Spirit, based on the Holy Qur’an, is from the realm of ‘Command’that comes to existence with the word ‘Be’ and not from the position of creation, which is the origin of material elements:
Surely, His is the creation and the command. (7:54)
The spirit whose truth is not known by anyone is the outcome of the Divine Decree and comes into existence with the word ‘Be’:
And when He decrees an affair, He only says to it – Be – so there it is. (2:117)
And they ask you about the soul (spirit). Say: the soul is one of the commands of my Lord… (17:85)
Spirit is the first creation of Allah, as has been mentioned by the Holy Prophet:
The first thing Allah created was my spirit.
The Holy Prophet wishes to make others understand him using different expressions according to people’s capacity. That is why, on one occasion, he says:
The first thing Allah created was light.
On another occasion, he says:
The first thing Allah created was pen.
On other occasions, he says:
The first thing Allah created was intellect.
The first thing Allah created was my light.
The first thing Allah created was my spirit.
With this explanation, we conclude that there is a unity in meaning of light, pen, intellect, and spirit, all of which refer to one truth – the truth of Muhammad (S). Therefore, Allah created the truth of Muhammad (S) consisting of light, pen, intellect, and spirit directly from His own light and created other beings for his sake. In this relation, Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) says:
Allah created the Divine decree by itself and then created all beings by means of the Divine decree.
That is to say, Allah created the Divine decree, which is another name for the light of Muhammad (S) without any medium and then created other beings from the light of Muhammad (S). Without the light of Muhammad (S), which is an expanded Grace, no relationship between the Creator and the created is possible. Therefore, the manifestation of Allah and the light of His perfect beauty is the Grace of Muhammad (S) and the intuitive decree and the light of the Holy Prophet as mentioned in the following narration:
Allah created intellect and it was the first of spiritual creations to be made from His light on the right side of the throne.43
The Perfect Light of Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)
Based on the following authentic narration reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet:
The first thing Allah created was my light.
And, based on the fact that Ahl al-Bayt are the manifestation of this light, we should admit that Ahl al-Bayt are light in essence and this light is the light of Allah which cannot be put out by the puffing of the ignorant ones:
They desire to put out the light of Allah with their mouth, but Allah will perfect His light, though the unbelievers may be averse. (61:8)
The famous Ziyarah al-Jamiah al-Kabirah, which is a well-documented form of Ziyarah (statements addressed to the Holy Infallibles when their tombs are visited) composed by Imam al-Hadi (a.s), is recited in the Ziyarah of all the infallibles; we read:
Allah created you in the form of light.44
Again in the same Ziyarah, we read:
Your souls, light and forms are the same; pure and pious altogether.45
In the famous Ziyarah Warith, we read:
I testify that you were light in the lofty loins and pure wombs.46
In the Books of Maqtal (story of Imam al-Husayn’s martyrdom), we read that when Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn (al-Sajjad) was placing his father’s body, with the head cut off, in the grave, he said:
“O father, the world is in dark after you and the Hereafter is illuminated with your light.”47
The follower of Ahl al-Bayt, Abu-Khalid Kabuli says: I asked Imam al-Baqir to explain the following holy verse:
Therefore believe in Allah and His Apostle and the Light which we have revealed…(64:8)
The Imam said:
“O Abu-Khalid, by Allah (I swear), the Imams are that light until the Day of Judgment; and by Allah, they are the light of Allah in the heavens and on the earth. O Abu-Khalid! By Allah, the light of the Imam in the hearts of believers is brighter than the sun shining in daylight. By Allah, the Imams give light to the hearts of believers. Allah, may He be honored and glorified, hides their light from whomever He wishes whereby their hearts become dark. By Allah, O Abu-Khalid! No one loves us but those whom Allah has purified their hearts; and Allah does not purify a servant’s heart unless that servant surrenders himself to and is at peace with us. Therefore, if one is at peace with us, Allah will keep one safe from Reckoning and from fear on the Judgment Day.”48
To live with the love for Ahl al-Bayt and to follow them in all material and spiritual aspects is like living the life of Prophets. Reporting the Holy Prophet, Imam al-Baqir (a.s.) has said:
If one likes to live a life similar to Prophets, die as a martyr, and dwell in a Paradise – all the trees of which are planted by Allah, one should accept the leadership of Ali, make friend with his friends and follow the Imams after him, for they are my household (Ahl al-Bayt) and they have been created from my essence. O Allah! give a share of my understanding and essence to them. Woe to their enemies from among my ummah! O Allah let not their enemies have my intercession.49
34. Ilal al-Shara’i: 593, H. 44
35. Sharh Usul al-Kafi, chapter 4, H. 1
36. Awali al-La’ali: 99/4, H. 141
37. Awali al-La’ali: 99/4, H. 140
38. Bihar al-Anwar: 309/4
39. Majma al-Bahrayn: 504/3
40. Maani al-Akhbar: 114
41. Maani al-Akhbar, 114, H. 2
42. Al-Kafi, 10/1, H 1
43. Al-Kafi, 85/1, H. 4
44. Al-Faqih: 613/2
45. Al-Faqih: 613/2
46. Tahdhib al-Ahkam: 113/6, H. 17
47. Pishwaye Shaheedan: 230
48. Al-Kafi, 194/1 H. 1
49. Al-Kafi: 208/1 H. 3

The Truth of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.)
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