cause of all the terror

Is Islam the cause of all the terror in the world?

Mouood reports:

Is Islam the cause of all the terror in the world?

Islamophobia according to statistics:

The top 10 countries in the world with the highest rate of prostitution and depravity:

  1. Thailand (Buddhist)
  2. Denmark (Christian)
  3. Italy (Christian)
  4. Germany (Christian)
  5. France (Christian)
  6. Norway (Christian)
  7. Belgium (Christian)
  8. Spain (Christian)
  9. America (Christian)
  10. Finland (Christian)

First ten countries in the world with the highest theft statistics:

  1. South Africa (Christian)
  2. Sweden (Christian)
  3. America (Christian)
  4. England (Christian)
  5. India (Buddhist)
  6. New Zealand (Christian)
  7. Canada (Christian)
  8. Australia (Christian)
  9. Zimbabwe (Christian)
  10. Denmark and Finland (Christian).

First ten countries in the world with the highest alcohol consumption statistics:

  1. Moldova (Christian)
  2. Belarus (Christian)
  3. Lithuania (Christian)
  4. Russia (Christian)
  5. Czech Republic (Christian)
  6. Ukrainian (Christian)
  7. Andorra (Christian)
  8. Romanian (Christian)
  9. Serbia (Christian)
  10. Australia (Christian).

Ten countries with the highest homicide rates:

  1. Honduras (Christian)
  2. Venezuela (Christian)
  3. Wales (Christian)
  4. El Salvador (Christian)
  5. Guinea (Christian)
  6. South Africa (Christian)
  7. Saint Kites and Nephis (Christian)
  8. Bahamas (Christian)
  9. Lesotho (Christian)
  10. Jamaica (Christian).

The name of the most dangerous mafia group in the world:

  1. Yakuza (Buddhist)
  2. Agipyrus (Christian)
  3. Wah Ching (Christian)
  4. Jamaica Kiss (Christian)
  5. Primeiro (Christian)
  6. Aryan Brotherhood (Christian)
  7. Blood (Christian)
  8. 18 Gang Street (Christian)
  9. Monjiki (Christian)
  10. Marasalfarocha (Christian).

The biggest drug trade mafia in the world:

  1. Pablo Escobar – Colombia (Christian)
  2. Amado Carrillo – Colombia (Christian)
  3. Carlos Lehdergerman (Christian)
  4. Griselda Blanco – Colombia (Christian)
  5. Joaquin Guzman – Mexico (Christian)
  6. Rafael Caro – Mexico (Christian).

Nevertheless, the media of the West and the East say with one voice:

Is Islam the cause of all the terror in the world?

To the extent that many gullible Muslims have believed these absurd and baseless claims, we never leave the reins of our intellect to others.

Islam is the religion of happiness and security in human societies.

Islamophobia statistics.

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