According to Mouood, quoting by MashreghNews:
The dark future of food dependence on big countries / the leaders of the new world order force you to eat insects and human flesh + photos and videos
Article publication date: August 7, 1401
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In recent days, the publication of a tweet on the official account of the largest and most famous American newspaper, the New York Times, has become highly controversial; A tweet with “cannibalism” content!
The Jahane Mashregh Service:
At the same time that in the last three months, the course of vast, voluminous, and terrible fires in fields and forests and the loss of livestock and poultry in all parts of the world is increasing significantly, the “fight against climate change” and lawsuits and claims related to “climate changes” have become the main agenda of the world ruling system.
At the same time as the Natural Mankind heritage destroyed everywhere in the world, which can no longer be considered natural and unorganized, and the release of videos of helicopters and airplanes deliberately burning forests, the pressure of globalists to drastically reduce agriculture and Animal husbandry has been increased by humans.
The leading example and the so-called pilot of it are the new policies announced by the Dutch government to the farmers of this country, which have imposed rigid regulations under the pretext of fighting against the increase of carbon dioxide, which causes the bankruptcy of agriculture and animal husbandry in this country.
Of course, the Dutch farmers and ranchers have not been sitting idle and have turned the streets of Amsterdam and other big Dutch cities into protest scenes with their tractors for several weeks. Some reports say that Just in Trudeau’s government in Canada, plans are the same as those in Germany. Soon they shall start and will repeat the same procedure in other countries under the order.
But, the dubious dimension of this story is the role that mainstream media and hired celebrities have taken to promote and promote new and profoundly inhumane food tastes.
About three weeks ago, a video of Australian-born Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman putting two live worms in her mouth and eating them to promote new food items was released.
Video 171-1
A little later, Kim Kardashian, the famous American star, appeared in another video promoting artificial meats (meats produced by multiplying cells in a laboratory) by the Los Angeles Company Beyond Meat. Why does Bill Gates seek to place it among the people?
Video 171-2
Of course, for the first time at the level of celebrities, Angelina Jolie – the advertising ambassador of the global billionaires’ network – promoted cooking with insects such as scorpions, spiders, crickets, and grasshoppers in Cambodia in 2017.
Video 171-3
Shortly after the release of this video, this time the World Economic Forum, dominated by infamous elements such as Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Hariri, officially and practically came out and claimed in a video the various benefits of eating insects for humans and the earth. In this video, the so-called “experts” ask people, especially in Europe and America, to start eating unusual foods, including insects, due to the lack of food and the possibility of famine shortly!
Video 171- 4

Most insects have dangerous substances and elements, including Chitin, whose entry into the body can cause severe allergic reactions with a high risk of death, change the shape of human tissues, and reduce the body’s immune system power.
But this terrible and organized crime against the “food” of the world population did not remain at this level. In recent days, the publication of a tweet on the official account of the largest and most famous American newspaper, the New York Times, became highly controversial: [1]
The translation of this tweet is as follows:
“Cannibalism has its time and place. Some producers of new shows, movies, and books suggest that now is the time, but can you digest that?
Interestingly, large social networks like Instagram severely censor the criticism of even a slightly different voice from the programs and priorities of the Globalist Circles practically have little reaction to pages that openly promote cannibalism (and worse, child abuse). Among them is the Instagram page of a psychopathic “artist” from Singapore named Shiswan Lim, nicknamed Kimi Shimi, that makes very disgusting and horrible things like food and sweets that look like human fetuses and babies. This page has 218 thousand followers on Instagram!
Right now, an American company called “Bite Labs” advertises that by culturing the cells of celebrities, it makes salami, burgers, etc., and sells them to its fans!
This company started its work in 2014. Today it has reached the point where eating artificial bully is becoming one of the headlines of the media and celebrities affiliated with this trend.
This company started its work in 2014. Today it has reached the point where eating artificial meat is becoming one of the headlines of the media and celebrities affiliated with this trend.
Today, the likes of Bill Gates and Kardashian talk about the need to eat artificial meat, and at the same time, the New York Times and the like add the meat from human cells to this menu.
Today, the likes of Bill Gates and Kardashian talk about the need to eat artificial meat, and at the same time, the New York Times and the like add the meat from human cells to this menu.
In March of last year, the publication of an altered image of a famous painting on the Twitter account of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), the world’s most famous fried chicken brand, caused controversy. The image was taken from a famous painting by Francis Goya, the famous Spanish painter of the 18th and 19th centuries. In Roman Mythology, Saturn, the god of time (Titan Kronos in Greek), is associated with the planet Saturn. Goya’s painting shows Saturn is eating his son. The name of the painting is Saturn eats his son.
The evidence about a sinister design for the human table is clear. The source of this satanic plan is those who have taken the pose of sympathy for the human race. It is not a conspiracy illusion. We should take urgent measures through comprehensive and enforceable policies in countries like Iran for food independence, at least for high-consumption items.