39. Glorification of God
Sa‛id ibn Musayyab said that Imam Sajjad once recited this glorification and said: “This is the greatest glorification and it is from the Holy Messenger of God (S.A)”
This Glorification (is recited while prostrating after accomplishing a two-unit salaat):
Glory be to You, O God! I beg Your loving care.
Glory be to You, O God! And You are Exalted, High.
Glory be to You O God! And Honor is Your wrap and veil.
Glory be to You O God! And Majesty is Your cloak.
Glory be to you O God! And Greatness is Your Might.
Glory be to You in Majesty! How Majestic You are!
Glory be to You! You are glorified in the highest (assembly)! You hear and see what is beneath the ground.
Glory be to You! You are aware of every secret conversation.
Glory be to You! The (ultimate) place of all complaints.
Glory be to You! Present in every gathering.
Glory be to You! The one relied upon with great hope.
Glory be to You! You see all that is in the caves at the bottom of water.
Glory be to You! You hear the breaths of fishes in the caves of oceans.
Glory be to You! You are aware of weight of the heavens.
Glory be to You! You are aware of weight of the earths.
Glory be to You! You are aware of weight of the sun and the moon.
Glory be to You! You are aware of weight of the darkness and the light.
Glory be to You! You are aware of weight of the shadow and the air.
Glory be to You! You are aware of weight of the wind, and how much heavier it is than the dust particle.(which floats in it)
Glory be to You! the Most Holy! the Most Holy!
Glory be to You! How astonishing! that one who knows You does not fear You?
Glory be to You! My God! And Yours is all praise.
Glory be to You. The Most High! The Most Magnificent!
Note: God’s Light is everywhere, within the hearts of all men and jinn, angels, birds and animals but it is not confined to any single body or person like Pharoah who claimed :I am your Majestic God.
40. The Good & Great Names of God
The Numerous Names of God may help in understanding God to some extent.
God’s holy Messenger (S.A) has said: “ we could not understand Thee to the extent as worthy of Thee.”( و ما عرفناک حق معرفتک)
Imam Sajjad (A.S) has said: “ You have not provided to Your creatures any way of understanding Your Self except incapacity to know You.” ( مناجات عارفین)
No creature can understand the creator of the entire universe
God is incomprehensible, but God is closer to everyone than his own self. Man is the best creation of God, but no man is God, Man can not create even a fly, a honey bee or a mosquito.
God is the Near most and the Distant at the same time. God has no body, He is Light of the heavens & the earth.
The Names of God depict His various attributes. Man remembers calls or recites God’s Excellent Names with full trust in Him while praying, eg. Ya Shaafi (یا شافی من استشفاه) O! the curer of one, who seeks cure from Him. while imploring for good health.
Al Karimul Wahhabo Zuttowle ( الکریم الوهاب ذوالطول) The Generous, The Munificent ,The Giver of bounties for sustenance.
For forgiveness of sins, a person recites: ‘ Ya Ghaffar’ O! The Most Forgiving . God forgives every sin of man who repents sincerely, except the unforgivable sins like polytheism & murder of God’s Divine Messenger & the immaculate Imam for which punishment of God is definite in this world or in the Hereafter.
Thanking God for any of His blessings makes that blessing bountiful.
1. Allah= God’s Divine Self with innumerable qualities
2. نور Noor= The Light (God is The Light of the heavens and the earth. Light is energy)
3. المحیط Al Moheet= The All-Encompassing ( or surrounding.) (God is present everywhere.) (The Omnipresent)
4. الاول Al Avval= God is The First (The Primal Existence)
5. الواحد Al Wahid= God is The One (without limit)
6. الاحد Al Ahad= God is The Unique, (No one is like God)
7. الفرد Al Fard= God is The Single in His supremacy
8. الوتر Al Vatr= God is Odd (has no relations, wife or children)
9. الحیُ القیومAl Hai Al Qayyum= God is Ever living (The Self Existent)
10. القدیم Al Qadeem= God is The Most Ancient (existence from eternity)
11. الخالق Al Khaleq= The Creator (of the entire universe with His mere intention)
12. الفاطر Al Fatir= The Creator (with no specimen to copy it)
13. الباری Al Baari= The Maker (of everything. e.g. treasures in mountains and wonders in oceans)
14. البدیع Al Badi’e= The Originator (of creation with no partner)
15. المصور Al Mosavver= The Fashioner (of shapes and forms in the wombs)
16. الجمیل Al Jameel= The Elegant and Beautiful
17. الذاری Az Zaari= The Creator of souls as particles.
(God asked: “Am I not your Lord?” They replied: “Indeed You are”.)
18. الفتاح Al Fattah = The Opener (of creation)
19. الصانع As-Saana’y = The Fabricator, (The Performer of all good deeds)
20. الحق Al Haqq’ = The Truth
21. الصادق As Sadeq= The Truthful
22. العادل Al A’adel= The Just
23. العدل Al Adl= The Justice
24. القاضی Al Qaazi= The Judge
25. الوکیل Al Vakeel = The Trustee
26. الحکیم Al Hakeem = The Wise
27. الشهید Ash Shaheed = The Witness
28. الشاهد Ash Shahid = The Observer
29. البصیر Al Baseer = The All Seeing
30. الرایی Ar Raaie= The Perceiver
31. السمیع As Samie’ = The All Hearing
32. السامع As Saama’y= The Hearer
33. العلیم Al Aleem= The All Knowing
34. الخبیر Al Khabeer= The All Aware
35. الطیف Al Lateef= The Subtle
36. الظاهر الباطن Az Zaahir, Al Baatin = The Manifest, The Hidden
37. المبین Al Mobeen = The Obvious
38. الغنی AL Ghani= The Rich
39. المنان Al Mannan = The Granter of blessings
40. الجواد Al Javad= The Liberal
41. الوهاب Al Wahhaab= The Munificent
42. الواسع Al Waasa’y= The Bounteous
43. الکافی Al Kaafi = The Sufficient
44. الحبیب Al Habeeb = The Friend (of the pious)
45. الودود Al Wadood = The Affectionate
46. الناصر An Naasir = The Helper
47. النصر An Naseer = The Best Helper
48. الحفی Al Hafi= The Hospitable
49. الباسط Al Baaseth = The Extending
50. القابض Al Qaabez = The Restricting
51. الرازق Ar Raazeq= The Sustainer
52. الرزاق Ar Razzaaq= The Great Sustainer
53. الکریم Al Kareem= The Generous
54. الاکرم Al Akram= The Most Generous
55. الرئوف Ar Raoof= The Most Kind
56. الحافظ Al Haafez= The Protector
57. السلام As Salaam = The Giver of Health(Al Solaiman means full of Health)
58. الشافی Ash Shaafi= The Healer of illnesses
59. الرقیب Ar Raqeeb = The Watchful
60. الطبیب At Tabeeb = The Physician
61. الطاهر At Taaher = The Purifier ( from sins and pollution)
62. المومن Al Momin= The Granter of Security
63. المهیمن Al Mohaymin= The Guardian
64. الشاکر Ash Shaakir= The Thankful
65. الشکور Ash Shukoor= The Acceptant of Thanks
66. المقیت Al Muqeet= The Nourisher ( of body and soul)
67. الوفی Al Wafi= The One who Fulfills His Promises
68. البر Al Barr= The Benign
69. الرب Ar Rabb= The Lord or Provider
70. الرحمن Ar Rahmaan= The Beneficent ( for all mankind)
71. الرحیم Ar Raheem = The Merciful ( for the believers)
72. الهادی Al Haadi = The Guide ( for those who implore for guidance)
73. الحمید Al Hameed= The Laudable
74. السبوح As Subbuh = The Most praised
75. القدوس Al Quddoos = The Most Holy
76. الملک Al Malek = The Sovereign
77. العلی الاعلی Al Ali Al Aa’la= The High/The Most High, The Supreme
78. المتعالی Al Mutaa’ali= The Master
79. المولی Al Movla = The Master
80. الارفع Al Arf’a= The Lofty
81. المتین Al Mateen = The Strong
82. المجید Al Majeed = The Glorious
83. الجلیل Al Jaleel= The Venerable, The Sublime, The Magnificent
84. القدیر Al Qadeer= The Able
85. القادر Al Qaadir= The Powerful, The Capable
86. المقتدر Al Moqtadir =The All Powerful
87. العظیم Al Azeem = The Excellent
88. الاعظم Al A’azam= The Most Excellent
89. العزیز Al Azeez= The Mighty, The Dearly Loved
90. المعز Al Moiz= The Giver of Might
91. المتکبر Al Motakabbir = The Imperious
92. الکبیر Al Kabeer = The Great
93. الاکبر Al Akbar = The Greatest
94. الجبار Al Jabbar= The Omnipotent
95. الجابر( العظم الکسیر)Al Jaaber = The Joiner ( of broken bones)
96. القاهر Al Qaahir= The Dominant, The Victor
97. القهار Al Qahhar = The Most Dominant (The Conqueror)
98. الغالب Al ghaaleb= The Invincible, The Winner, The Vanquisher
99. القوی Al Qawi= The Strong
100. المقوی Al Moqawwi = The Giver of Strength
101. القریب البعید Al Qareeb, Al Bae’ed = The Nearest, The Distant
102. ذوالجلال والاکرام Zuljalaale wal Ikram= The Majestic, The Munificent
103. ذوالطول Zut Towl = The Bountiful
104. ذوالانتقام Zul Inteqam = The Avenger
105. ذوالفضل Zul Fazl = The Possessor of Grace & Excellence
106. ذوالعرش Zul A’rsh = Lord of the Throne
107. ذوالمعارج Zul Ma’arej =Lord of High Ranks
108. عالم الغیب A’lim ul Ghaib = The Knower of the Unseen
109. اهل التقوی Ahl at Taqwa = The Pious
110. قابل التوب Qabil at-Towb = The Acceptor of Repentance
111. منزل الغیث Munzil al Ghais= The Sender of Rain
112. غیاث المستغیثین Ghiath al Mustaghitheen = The Rescuer for the seeker of relief
113. مدبر الامر Mudabbir ul Amr = The Prudent Manager of Affairs
114. مالک الملک Maalik al Mulk = The Owner of all kingdoms
115. احکم الحاکمین Ahkam al Haakimeen = The Ruler of all rulers
116. سید المتوکلین Sayyid al Mutavakkaleen= The Chief of the trusted
117. خیرالفاصلین Khairal Fasileen = The Best of judges
118. خیرالماکرین Khair al Makereen = The Best Deviser of strategy
119. خیرالرازقین Khair ar Raazeqeen = The Best of all the providers
120. یا مفزع الملهوفین Ya Mafz’a al Malhufeen = The Refuge of the aggrieved
121. یا من لا تحویل الفکرYa mann la Tahweel al Fikr = The One Beyond the grasp of Thinking
122. شدیدالمحال Shadeed al Mihal = Great in Might
123. شدیدالعقاب Shadeed al E’qaab = Severe in Retaliation, Requital
124. احسن الخالقین Ahsan al Khaleqeen= The Best of all the creators
125. رب الارباب Rabbul Arbaab= The Lord of all the lords
126. المنجی Al Munji = The Savior
127. المجیر Al Mujeer = The Rescuer
128. الملجا Al Malja = The Refuge, The Shelter
129. المانع Al Mana’y = The Obstructing
130. الصابر As-Saaber = The Patient, The Tolerant
131. الصبور As-Saboor = The Bearer with Patience
132. الصبار As-Sabbar = the Most Patient
133. الحلیم Al Haleem = The Forbearing
134. العفو Al A’fwo = The Pardoning
135. الغافر Al Ghaafir = The Forgiver
136. الغفور Al Ghafoor = The Forgiving
137. الغفار Al Ghaffar = The Most Forgiving
138. التواب At Tawwab = The Oft Turning, The Acceptant of apology & repentance
139. المجیب Al Mojeeb= The Responding
140. المحی AL Mohyi = The Vivifying
141. الممیت Al Mumeet = The Killer
142. الباعث Al Baa’ith = The Reviver of the dead
143. الجامع Al Jaama’y = The Gatherer(on the day of judgment)
144. الحسیب Al Haseeb = The Reckoner
145. الدیان Ad-Dayyan = The One who compensates (rewards or punishes)
146. الباقی Al-Baqi = The Ever Lasting
147. الوارث Al Warith = The Inheritor
148. الاخر Al Aakher= The Everlasting last
