33. Polytheism or multiple Gods
Where is Mahdi (A,S) the destroyer of the buildings of polytheism and hypocrisy? Where is Mahdi(A.S) who will bring honor for the friends and abase the enemies? O God! Establish the Right and destroy the Evil by his presence. (Dua e Nudbah)
• It was revealed to the holy Messenger (A.S) by God, “Tell them: I do not ask of you any compensation except love of my near relatives. (Shura 42:43)
Note :The holy Messenger (S.A) had no need for compensation by ‘Ummah’ for the pains incurred in reforming the polytheist idolaters to civilized muslims, it was rather ‘Ummah’ that would be rewarded by God if they love and obey the nearest relatives of the holy Messenger (S.A) viz, Fatema, Ali, Hasan and Husain (A.S) …
Those who disobey God by not compensating Mohammad (S.A) for his incessant troubles in the divine mission deprive, themselves of spiritual blessings from God and the Divine guides, the Imams.
Note: There is no compulsion in religion( La Ikraha fid Deen).Man is free to be an atheist, skeptic, polytheist or a muslim and there lies their test and trial and hence there is the day of Recompense, heaven and hell for administration of perfect justice by God, the most Exalted Sovereign.
Note: Majority of Hindus are idol worshippers, polytheists and atheists. Some of them believe in three gods, Brahma as the creator, Vishnu as the protector and Shiva as the destroyer.
Some Hindus believe that the king Rama was a god, who died and was born again as Krishna, who also died and they believe that he will be born again as Ramakrishna. Statues of these men Rama & Krishna are worshipped as gods. Rama’s wife named Sita was taken to the island Ceylon (Sri Lanka) by Ravana who is also worshipped as a god by some Hindus.
Some Hindus worship Kali as a god with many heads.
Some Hindus worship gods with a number of hands. They also worship a god named Gunpati with the head of an elephant.
Some Hindus worship Lakhsmi as goddess of wealth. Thus Hindus worship different gods and they are polytheists.
The God had sent His messengers & prophets all over the world for guidance is mentioned in the book ‘Upanishads’ wherein the right conception of God is perceptible with some mutilations with the passage of time and the interpretation of the Sanskrit language .
India was invaded by Aryans who brought polytheism with them and they drove the Dravidians to the south of India.
Next India was invaded by Moguls and Muslims, who ruled India for a long time and the official language was Persian. Muslims did not preach Islam as there is no compulsion in religion.
Next India was invaded by English men and the English language was taught in several places. After the Second World War, Mahatma Gandhi with his nonviolence movement liberated India from the British rule, and he accepted East and West Pakistan to be separated from India as Muslims were in majority there.
India is now an independent country with polytheism as its religion. Thus Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Zoroastrians, Jews all live in India but now the Hindus are in majority.
A country survives with polytheism, Atheism, communism and so on , but it cannot survive with TYRANNY. So the promised savior of God is awaited by all good people of the world to help him establish the universal kingdom of justice of God without tyranny and oppression.
Note: Abraham (A.S) had destroyed all the idols but the Arabs became idol worshipers again& built a number of idols in Ka’ba. Mohammad (S.A) &Ali (A.S) destroyed all the idols in Kaba , therefore the Holy Quran states that the hand of God is above the hands of idol worshippers because the idol were destroyed by God’s Messenger (S.A.), they were the hand of God. Whatever good deeds are done by anyone it is because of God but the Arab tribes became their enemies especially Bani Umayyah ie Abu Sufyan, Moaviyah &Yazid(L.A),who are described as shajarahe malo’ona in the holy Quran . (S17:A60)
Note: In the olden days Greeks were also polytheists .They worship a number of Gods. Even now people consider some attributes of God as separate gods and are misguided. Many old religions got distorted and got divided into sects so God sends His Messengers from time to time, so that people may defeat their satanic evil self and become wise and monotheist, as polytheists cannot cross the bridge leading to paradise.
Note:a Persian poet has said :
My aim is God whether I visit Ka’ba or temple (of idols)
My intent is God Ka’ba or temple is only a pretext
مقصود من از کعبه و بتخانه تویی تو
مقصود تویی کعبه و بتخانه بهانه است
Explanation: The Poet says: God is within every creation He is Omnipresent. Whatever a person worships if his intention is the only God, then a polytheist is actually a monotheist in his aim.
Polytheism is an unforgivable sin, a polytheist cannot cross the bridge over hell. But God forgives ones entire past in idol worship when his aim in worship is just one God.
34. Relatives of God
Imam Mahdi(A.F.) has said:
Indeed there is no family relationship between the Mighty and Majestic God and anyone whosoever. (Behar al anvar V53 P180)
Note: a) Jesus (A.S) was born without a father by Virgin Mary (A.S) It was a miracle indeed. But Adam (A.S) was created without father & mother, so also the first and foremost pairs of all animals and birds just by the Will of God (Kun fa Yakun). Whatever God intends it happens soon or late. Jesus (A.S) never claimed to be a son of God. It is a false accusation from those who mutilated the divine heavenly religion. So God sent His last messenger (S.A) for correction of deviations in Judaism and Christianity. Jesus (A.S), Ezra & angels are not sons and daughters of God.
Note b) The fourteen sinless souls, who are closest to God, never claimed to be God’s relatives.
Note c)When Muslims recite ziarat of Imam Husain (A.S) they say, Salaam on you O Jesus, the Ruhullah! meaning the soul created by God & not the soul of God. God created Adam from dust in the image He had in Mind, then He made him alive with a soul newly created by God which did not exist from eternity like God, so Ruhullah, like Baytullah (the house of God built by Abraham A.S) is attributed to God, who is everywhere and does not need a house nor a wife nor a son. God is above all needs and necessities.
35. God’s Patience
Imam Mahdi(A.F.) has said:
Indeed God is Patient and it is you who are in a hurry.
Note: a) One of the best creations of God and a great blessing on earth is Imam Hussain (A.S) one of the chiefs of youth in paradise. He was brutally martyred along with his children, kith and kin, and his supporters by God’s enemies. Yet God was extremely patient. Why did the All Powerful God allow Yazid (L.A.) to commit such a great tragedy? Two Aayaat of the Holy Quran answer this question for a sagacious person.
Ayat 1) Let not those who disbelieve think that Our granting them respite was better for their souls. WE GIVE THEM RESPITE THAT THEY MAY ADD TO THEIR SINS AND THEY SHALL HAVE A DISGRACEFUL PUNISHMENT until the vicious are distinguished from the virtuous. (Ale I’mran 3: 178)
Ayat 2) Indeed THOSE WHO VEX GOD AND HIS MESSENGER are denounced by God in this world and the Hereafter and GOD HAS DISGRACEFUL PUNISHMENT READY FOR THEM. Those who are responsible for vexation to faithful men and women undeservedly they are certainly guilty of false accusation and manifest sin. (Ahzab 33: 58 -59)
God had given ‘shajarah malo’ona’ them a very long rope before their damnation punishment. (See the Holy Quran 17:60)
Note b) Mohtasham, a well known poet from Kashan, had written everlasting verses about Imam Husain (A.S) Once he wrote a verse and could not compose the second verse.
“Although God’s Exalted Self is free from grief” (first verse)
Imam Mahdi (A.S) inspired him to write the second verse as follows:
“God is in heart and no heart is free of grief” (second verse)
Explanation: God is never sorrowful or aggrieved. He is All Powerful and Invincible. God punishes the tyrants whenever He likes. The tyrants, who afflict sorrow and grief on the divine guides, are under test and trial by God. All people who love freedom throughout the world mourn the death of Imam Hussain (A.S.) because God is in their heart.
Note c)You (Imams) are the door for test and trial of people and you(Imams) were patient in bearing all calamities that you had to face in upholding the side of God, so as to save your lovers from approaching the precipice of destruction and fire of hell.
In upholding the side of God, the imams faced all calamities with patience. They were the door for test and trial of people. (Ziyarat e Jameah Kabirah)
Note d)God shall claim blood for vengeance of Imam Hussain(A.S.) and Imam Ali(A.S.) ‘SaarAllah ibne Saareh’ who were patient and sacrificed their lives to save the religion finalized by God. God was also patient because He had given respite to Satan and this respite will be over when God shall direct Imam Mahdi (A.S.) to emerge from the curtain of concealment for vengeance and establishment of God’s universal kingdom of justice.