22. Praise and thankfulness to God
Glorious is that Entity who regards acknowledgment of His blessings as His praise. Glorious is that Entity who regards declaration of inability to thank Him as thankfulness to Him. (BA V78 P142)
Note:1: There are many hidden blessings of God about which we have no knowledge and we are completely ignorant& unable to comprehend God’s hidden blessings.
23. Revenge by God
Imam Mohammad Baqir(A.S) :
When God likes to take vengeance against His oppressed friend , He will avenge by means of enemy of His friend’s enemy, and when God likes to take vengeance for His Own Self against His enemy(satanic people) , He will avenge by means of His friend. ( TO. P: 284-300)
Note: One of the glorious names of God is Avenger(Al Muntaqem) . He will avenge against his enemies by means of Imam Mahdi (A.S) , Jesus (A.S) and all good people.
24. When is God your enemy?
Imam Mohammad Baqir(A.S) :
Sometimes when a person meets another person, he says: “May God destroy your enemy! Without considering that the enemy of that person is God”.
Note: God is enemy of everyone who disobeys Him , His chosen messengers & Imams, but God does not destroy His enemies, because He is patient and gives respite to sinners and criminals prior to punishment in the interest of justice to give a chance for repentance to human beings , who are under test and trial.
25. Three instructions
Imam Mohammad Baqir(A.S) :
My son! Whenever you are favored with blessings from God, say”Al hamdo lillah”. i.e. Praise be to God.(thankfulness increases blessings of God)
and when something makes you sad say”La howla wa la quwwatah illa billah” i.e., there is no transformation and no power except God. (Remembrance of God makes you hopeful)
And if you are deprived of sustenance say” Astaghferollah, i.e. I ask God’s forgiveness (because sins are cause of loss of sustenance) (TO. P: 284-300)
26 The Rights of God (the Creator of the entire universe)
Imam Sajjad’s treatise on Rights. If all mankind honor the rights as indicated by the Imam this world will become a paradise. All races from the posterity of Adam and Eve have equal opportunities for attaining perfection of character by honoring all these rights.
The rights of God are the most important and root of all rights.
The rights of God is to maintain good relationship with Him& His creation. The best creation of God is man with soul and body. You are a trustee of God for wellbeing of your body & soul in this world and for the hereafter. God sent His Divine guides (the messengers and Imams) who explained the rights of your soul and body as a part of God’s rights.
A) The right of Your soul is to obey God and His messengers for bliss in this world and the hereafter and to worship and pray to Him with sincerity without associating any partners with God.
Note: God does not need our worship He is beyond needs & necessities. There are trillions of angels who devotedly worship God. It is we who are direly in need of worshipping God with sincerity, to purify our soul and attain nearness to God and deserve God’s eternal paradise. Then we will be recompensed ten times for all of our good deeds.
To keep our soul free from pollution, it is necessary to honor the rights of our body from head to foot with God’s help .
B) The rights of body consist of controlling the tongue, ears, eyes, hands, legs, stomach, and reproductive sexual organs. All these parts of body have their rights upon you, and you will relish the delight of life by observing their rights.
*The right of tongue is to regard it as too noble to scold or slander. You should use it to express kindness and to speak well about people.
*The right of ears is to hear nothing which is unlawful like slander (ghiba), prohibited music (ghina) and so on …
*The right of eyes is to refrain from looking at anything which is unlawful.
• Avoid looking at ‘namahram’ women so that others may not glance at your women. (T.O P:242)
Note: Looking at a Namahram woman is a minor sin but if a person goes on looking at her again and again it becomes a major sin.
Note: When a learned scholar was asked whether your wife is more beautiful or your sister- in- law (who used to visit them frequently)? The scholar replied: “I have never raised my eyes to look at my sister –in-law so I cannot compare the two.” Thus this learned scholar has taught us practically not to graze our eyes on the beauty of ‘namahram’ women. Even when watching Television one should not gaze at semi-naked women nor should one hear women with sweet and pleasing voice. Ali (A.S) never said salam to namahram women in order not to hear their voice.
Note: You should lower your eyes when speaking to ‘namahram’and abstain from seeing cinema films with crimes and sins & beauty competitions, naked shows & photos. Dancing and swimming with ‘namahram’ is also prohibited. All these are traps of Satan to deviate you from the way of God that leads to paradise.
Note a)The vicious mighty tyrants have a very low rank near God and obedience to them expels a person from the divine religion finalized by God.
Note b): A glimpse of what God has done for us may be had from His innumerable blessings which the holy Quran reminds us specially in sureh Rahman(Fa bay aiyye aalaaye rabbekuma tukazzebaan ie how many blessings of God can you deny )
• Act & fulfill the purpose of life
Think & contemplate, and act to fulfill the purpose for which you are created, as God has not created you in vain and without any purpose. (TO P274)
27. God
a. Imam Sadiq(A.S.) has said:
O God! Our Lord! Yours is all praise. You alone possess all power and firm authority.
Yours is all praise. You are the Most High, with Prestige and Grandeur in the heavens and the Grand Throne.
O our Lord! Yours is all praise, You are the Most Excellent and Self-Sufficient in Your knowledge, whereas every other possessor of Knowledge is in need of You.
O our Lord! Yours is all praise. O the revealer of Aayaat and the Great Zikr.
O our Lord! So Yours is all praise for all that You have taught us of wisdom and the great manifest Quran.
b. God
• Indeed cognizance of the Mighty & Majestic God provides: 1.Peace and amity in every fearful situation.
2. His companionship in solitude.
3. Light in darkness.
4. Strength for the weak and the meek.
5. Remedy for every malady.