Saudi Arabia has faced a gathering storm on its Najdi frontiers

The imperialists, Zionists and their Arabian allies have partly succeeded in achieving their goal: Syria’s destruction. The ultimate objective of these moves is to weaken and undermine the Islamic Republic of Iran as a major pillar of the resistance front as well as a model of independent existence free from the political architecture imposed by the imperialist powers, victors of the Second World War. The Islamic Revolution offers an example to all oppressed peoples worldwide to stand on their own feet and not surrender to the bullying tactics and demands of imperialists and Zionists. It is this example of independence and steadfastness based on self-respect and dignity that the imperialists and Zionists want to undermine and ultimately destroy because its continued existence and strength would end their exploitative policies. The weakening of Muslim countries is also part of the plan to protect the Zionist entity.
We must also address the question of why the imperialists chose takfiri groups for this purpose. Having tasted the bitter fruit of nationalism, socialism, ba‘thism, berberism and many other-isms, Muslims have realized that the solution to their problems lies not in adopting alien ideologies but in returning to the teachings of Islam. Muslims have witnessed fraudulent independence granted by the departing colonial powers. It has been a cruel hoax. Only the Islamic Revolution offers genuine independence and its example has inspired groups and peoples worldwide, especially in Lebanon (Hizbullah), Palestine (Hamas and Islamic Jihad) as well as in South America. In fact, prior to the Islamic Revolution, the Palestinian struggle was stuck in a nationalist quagmire; it posed no threat to the Zionists but caused immense damage to the Palestinian people and cause. In late 1987, when Islamic Jihad and Hamas emerged on the scene, it led to the first Intifadah in Palestine. The Palestinian struggle was brought over to its natural Islamic mode. Islamic resistance in Palestine has achieved notable successes against the Zionist occupiers since then.
The ultimate objective of these moves is to weaken and undermine the Islamic Republic of Iran as a major pillar of the resistance front as well as a model of independent existence free from the political architecture imposed by the imperialist powers, victors of the Second World War. The Islamic Revolution offers an example to all oppressed peoples worldwide to stand on their own feet and not surrender to the bullying tactics and demands of imperialists and Zionists.
The imperialists are also aware of this reality as the late Algerian writer, Malek Bennabi (died, 1973) noted in his perceptive essay, “The Orientalists and the Islamic Movement.” He postulated, “…when, in the Muslim society, one or a few people start studying one of the society’s problems, colonialism has already tackled it or is about to do so and its experts have already investigated it or are about to do so.” Malek Bennabi described this phenomenon as the “ideological struggle” and went on to explain, “We must constantly bear in mind the rule drawn above: when we raise one of our society’s problems, colonialism does it too, and when we find a solution for it, colonialism will always try to make it false one way or the other.” (Malik Bennabi’s essay was published in Kalim Siddiqui (editor): Issues in the Islamic movement: 1980-1981, Toronto, 1982).
If we apply Bennabi’s principle, we see why the imperialists have opted to promote takfiri groups in the Muslim world. Muslims have understood that Islam is the solution to all their problems. The imperialists are also aware of this. So they have promoted extremist groups like the takfiris. The aim is to present an extremely negative image of Islam to turn Muslims as well as non-Muslims away from Islam. The brutal tactics of the takfiris confirm this. These groups use the name and symbols of Islam but indulge in horrific crimes that have nothing to do with Islam. While the terrorist groups attract disgruntled and frustrated Muslim youth to their ranks because they feel “empowered” by joining them, they also project a grossly distorted image of Islam to the world.
The ideological rhetoric they use is also extremely destructive. They play on crude sectarianism causing divisions among Muslims. Such tactics lead to conflict thereby weakening Muslim societies while the imperialists and their Zionist allies continue to advance their own nefarious agenda. We have witnessed the use of the sectarian card in Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Saudi Arabia. In fact, sectarian poison has even spread to countries as far away as South Africa, Malaysia and Indonesia where there has never been any sectarian issues because the overwhelming majority of Muslims belong to one sect. The primary promoters of sectarianism are the illegitimate regimes in the Muslim East, especially Saudi Arabia and its tribal allies.
There is also another function that the takfiri groups fulfil: facilitate the imposition of oppressive laws in Western societies where Muslims live in significant numbers. This has been witnessed in the US, Canada, Britain, France, Germany etc as well as in Australia. The basic rights of all people but especially of Muslims have been severely curtailed.

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