Who Rules USA Today?

The NATO governments are bought-and-paid-for by Washington. For example, Germany is not a country. Germany is a mere piece of Washington’s empire. The German government will do as Washington says. The German government represents Washington’s agenda. Washington overthrew the elected Ukraine government in order to orchestrate a crisis that would distract Russia from Washington’s adventures in Syria and Iran and in order to demonize Russia as an invader rebuilding an empire that is a danger to Europe. Washington will use this demonization in order to break-up growing economic relationships between Russia and Europe. The purpose of sanctions is not to punish Russia, but to break up economic relationships. The Western World is the World of the Matrix protected by the Ministry of Propaganda. Western populations are removed from reality. They live in a world of propaganda and disinformation. The ideology known as neo-conservatism, which has controlled US governments since Clinton’s second term, has the world set on a path to war and destruction. Instead of raising questions about this path, the Western media hurries the world down the path. The Chinese government has called for “de-Americanizing the world.” The Russian parliament understands that being part of the dollar payments system is a Russian subsidy to American Imperialism. The dollar is evil. It is a dirty green paper stained with blood of hundreds of thousands of civilian citizens of Japan, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Korea and Vietnam.
Every country that wishes to have an independent existence without living under Washington’s thumb should immediately depart the dollar payment system, which is a form of US control over other countries. That is the only purpose that the dollar system serves. Many countries are afflicted by economists trained in the US in the neoliberal tradition. Their US education is a form of brainwashing that ensures that their advice renders their governments impotent against Washington’s imperialism. Despite the obvious threats that Washington poses, many do not recognize the threats because of Washington’s posing as “the greatest democracy.” However, scholars looking for this democracy cannot find it in the US. The evidence is that the US is an oligarchy, not a democracy. An oligarchy is a country that is run for private interests. These private interests–Wall Street, the military/security complex, oil and natural gas, and agribusiness–seek domination, a goal well served by the neoconservative ideology of US hegemony. The American Oligarchs win even when they lose. $3 trillion of US wealth wasted in Iraq by conquering it, but that’s not the way the military/security complex sees it. The war was a great victory for profits. US government used the wars in order to create huge budget deficits and national debt that are now being used to dismantle the social safety net, including Social Security and Medicare. There’s talk of privatizing Social Security and Medicare. More profits for Oligarchs in the offering. The gullibility of the American population is really without compare. The gullibility of the American public will doom the world to extinction.
All these negative factors have contributed to the Triumph of the Corporate Rich in USA, which reflects the success of the wealthy few in defeating all of their rivals (e.g., organized labor, liberals, environmentalists, etc) over the course of the past 35 years. These are the owners and managers of large income-producing properties; i.e., the owners of corporations, banks, other financial institutions, and agri-businesses. But they have plenty of help from the managers and experts they hire. In view of these facts, what the US needs ‘pro-democracy revolution’ To US leaders, it means overthrowing other people’s governments. Since World War II, Americans have overthrown governments in Italy (1947), Costa Rica (1948), Syria (1949), Lebanon (1952), Iran (1953), Guatemala (1954, and 1982), Laos (nonstop coups 1957-1975), El Salvador (1960 and 1984), Congo (1960), Dominican Republic (1961, 1965), Ecuador (1961, and 1981), South Korea (1961), South Vietnam (1963), Iraq (1963 and 2003), Brazil (1964), Indonesia (1965), Greece (1967), Cambodia (1970), Egypt (1970), Chile (1973), Uruguay (1973), Australia (1975), Saudi Arabia (1975), Portugal (1975), Thailand (1976), Argentina (1976), Turkey (1980), Panama (1981 and 1989), Chad (1982), Grenada (1983), Sweden (1986), Pakistan (1988), Afghanistan (1980s and 2001), Rwanda and Burundi (1994), Yugoslavia (2000), Somalia (2006), Sudan (2011), Libya (2011) and Ukraine (2014).
And these are only some of the better-known cases where the US successfully used force or fraud to put its puppets in power or remove leaders it didn’t like. There have also been dozens if not hundreds of unsuccessful attempts (such as the current war on Syria). And there have undoubtedly been many successful US-supported regime changes we don’t know about. After all, such operations are called “covert” for a reason: They are designed to remain secret forever. And then, there are the so-called color revolutions: Ukraine (Orange), Lebanon (Cedar), Georgia (Rose), Kyrgyzstan (Tulip), Myanmar (Saffron), Thailand (Red), and Malaysia (Yellow). The US State Department, USAID, and George Soros apparently like their coups d’état in a pleasing array of hues. All this in the name of democracy! Overthrowing democratically-elected leaders such as Ukraine’s Yanukovych – and Chile’s Allende, Iran’s Mosaddeq, and so many more – is a very strange way of spreading democracy. But there is one country that really does need a pro-democracy coup d’état: the United States of America. Today, America’s phony democracy is rotten to the core. The US has had stolen presidential elections in 1980, 2000, and 2004. It has had nothing but CIA presidencies since 1988. And now the Supreme Court has ruled that elective offices are for sale to the highest bidder. From now on, the Court says, the public cannot put any limits whatsoever on political bribery. So what about the assassinations? In 1963, when Americans allowed CIA operators (including Cord Meyer, Allen Dulles, James Angleton, E. Howard Hunt, David Atlee Phillips, Richard Helms, David Morales, Frank Sturgis, George H.W. Bush and others) to assassinate President John F. Kennedy in broad daylight with complete impunity, they for all intents and purposes gave up even the pretense of living in a democracy. Less than five years later, the same criminals killed JFK’s brother Robert – and added an exclamation point. The American people, drugged by television, emitted a collective yawn.
The USA should stop sponsoring phony “democracy revolutions” around the world. The world – and the American people – should sponsor a “democracy revolution” in the USA. And make no mistake; a revolution is what America needs. There is no longer any hope of simply voting better people into office. The good candidates will be outspent, deprived of their victories by election fraud, and (if necessary) killed. How could an American democracy revolution begin? The precursor to a democracy revolution: rising public awareness of the real state of affairs. By helping the public slowly awaken to the truth, the alternative media is setting the stage. It could start with street demonstrations, perhaps in the wake of an economic crash and/or military defeat. Or it could start with a constitutional coup d’état: A military takeover dedicated to restoring democratic governance and constitutional rule. Either way, the first order of business would be to smash the “mighty Wurlitzer” propaganda machine and jail the criminals who currently run the mainstream media. Every politician who has ever taken a bribe (meaning a “campaign contribution” over $200) should also be jailed. And the Supreme Court, which has just removed the last limits on political bribery, should be tried for treason. The private Federal Reserve cartel should be seized, and the ill-gotten wealth of the international banking cabal returned to the people. The military-industrial complex and the intelligence complex should be smashed to pieces and scattered to the winds.
Phony US-sponsored “democracy revolutions” have overthrown dozens of governments around the world. Isn’t it time, as Malcolm X said in a different context, for “the chickens to come home to roost” – by way of a real democracy revolution in America? This would mean the end of the Great American Fantasy. Americans still remember that President Eisenhower warned them about the military-industrial complex killing their freedoms. While many of Americans do not want to think about it, we all know. The US government has troops in most of the countries in the world. Very few of Americans can name all of the wars USA is currently involved with. There can be no question that the US stands behind the current troubles in the Ukraine. The American public increasingly sees US cops as dangers, not as friends. The world today thinks that US political class is dangerous. The owners of corporations, banks, other financial institutions, and agri-businesses are ruling over USA. The awakened humanity wants the US citizens to fight for their liberation and freedom from the clutches of the owners of corporations, banks, other financial institutions, and agri-businesses who are ruling over USA.

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