Martyrdom Anniversary of Holy Prophet, Imam Hassan Mujtaba, Imam Reza (PBUT)

The abominable disasters of this kind of shook the conscience of the Muslim countries. So there were various revolutions throughout

Here the comparative degree “worthier” concerns the mafdulin (less excellent), namely Abu Bakr and Umar. For they regarded themselves as worthier of burying in the room of the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless Him and his family, than others. However, his grandson (Al-Hasan) was worthier of that then them. That is because they (Abu Bakr and Umar) though that the wife had the right to inherit her husband. Muslims jurists have disagreed on this matter since then. A,isha the daughter of Abu Bakr, and Hafsa, the daughter of Umar, had, according to the correctness of their inheritance as two wives, a share of seventy two shares inherit room where the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless Him and his family.

For they were two of nine wives. And all the nine wives had one eighth of which they divided among them selves according to this rate. As for the holy room whose wideness we do not know exactly should be wide enough to hold seventy two graves: otherwise the inheritors of the truthful, chaste one (Fatima did not permit Abu Bakr and Umar to be buried in it. So what is other than this (explanation)? Accordingly, we must admit that Al-Hasan, peace be in Him, was worthier of the Apostle of Allah and his house than the others.

history. In this connect Allah, the Exalted, says: “And they who act unjustly shall know to what final place of turning they shall turn back.

His Burial

Sibt b. al-Jawzi reported on the authority of b. Sa’ad on the authority of al-Waqidi, who said:

“When Al-Hasan was about to die, he said: Bury me beside my father, He meant the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless Him and his family. However, banu (the sons of) Umayya and Marwan b. al-Hakim and Sa’id b. al-As, who was the governor over Medina, prevented Him.” Ibn Sa’ad said: Among them was A’isha who said: No one is buried beside the Apostle of Allah.”

Abu al-Faraj al-Amawi al-Asfahani reported on the authority of Yahya b. Al-Hasan, who said: ” I heard ‘Ali b. Tahir b. Zayd say: When they wanted to bury Al-Hasan, she (A’isha) mounted a mule and asked the help of banu (the sons of )Umayya, Marwan, those who were there from them (banu Umayya) and from their servants. So someone said: One day (she was) on a camel.”

al-Mas’udi has mentioned that A’isha mounted a gray mule and led the Umayyads to declares a second battle against the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt). He (al-Mas’udi) said: “So al-Qasim b. Mohammad b. Abu Bakr came to her (A’isha) and said: Aunt, we have not washed our heads since the Battle of the Camel. Do you want people to call this day the Battle of the Gray Mule? So she came

1. In his book al-Mas’udi wa al-Masawi, vol 1, p. 35 al-Bayhaqi has reported similar words. words He (al-Bayhaqi) said: On the authority of Al-Hasan al-Basri that al Ahnaf b. Qays said to A’isha at the Battle of the Camel: Mother of the believers has the Apostle of Allah may Allah bless Him and his family authorized you this movement? She said O Allah, no He said: Have you found it (this movement in the Book of Allah, the Exalted? She said: We do not read but what you read, He said: Have you seen that the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless Him and his family asked the help of his wives when he was few in number and the polytheists were many? She said: O Allah, no. al-Ahnat said: Therefore, what is our guilt?

Many people gathered together with Al-Hasan b. ‘Ali and said to Him: “Leave us with the children of Marwan. By Allah, they are, with us nothing but an itching of the head. al-Husayn said By Allah, if there had been no injunction to me from Al-Hasan, peace be on Him, to prevent bloodshed and that I should not even pour blood into a cupping glass in (carrying out) his command, you would have known how the swords of Allah would have taken their toll from you. you have broken the agreement which was made between you and us. you have ignored the conditions which we made with you for ourselves.” Here al-Husayn, peace be on Him, reminded, them of the conditions of the peace Treaty.

Then they went on with (the body of) Al-Hasan, peace be on Him, and they buried Him in (the cemetery of) al-Baqi beside his grandmother, Fatima daughter of Asad b. HasHimb. Abd Manaf, may Allah be pleased with her.

In his book al-Isaba, he (Ahmad Shahab al-Din al-ASqlani) said: Dawud b. Sinan informed us: Tha’laba b. Abu M’alik told us: “I (Tha’laba b. Abu M’alik) saw Al-Hasan on the day when he died and was buried in (the cemetery of) al-Baqi. I saw that if a needle had been thrown away in (the cemetery of) al-Baqi’, it (the needle) would have not fallen but on the head of a person.


A Glance at the Biography of Emam Reza (A)


Imam ar-Reza (as) was born on the 11th of Dhul-Qa’dah in the year 153 AH in Madinatul-Munawwarah. He (as) is the son of our 7th Imam, Imam Musa ibn Ja’ffar al-Kadhim (as) and Ummul-Baneen, who is also referred to as Bibi Najma (as) or Kheizraan (as). History tells us that the mother of our 8th Imam (as) was a non-Arab and in her days, she was well known as Afdhalun-Nisaa meaning ‘the best of all women’. There are two incidents that have been related about this great lady:

Hameeda Khatoon (as), the mother of our 7th Imam (as) purchased a slave girl and named her Taktum. This slave girl was very intelligent, religious and she also possessed highest level of decency and bashfulness in herself. She always used to accord highest degree of respect to her mistress- Bibi Hameeda (as) so much so that she never even sat with her on account of her respect for her. Bibi Hameeda (as) was extremely satisfied with her and proposed her son, our 7th Imam (as), to take her into a relationship because she was confident that she would bear him good offspring. Our 7th Imam (as) accepted her and our 8th Imam (as) was born from her womb. Ahsanul-Muqaal)

Bibi Hameeda Khatoon – the mother of our 7th Imam (as) – saw the Holy Prophet (saww) in her dream who instructed her to marry her son Musa (as) with Bibi Najma (as) and also added that: “She will soon give birth to a son, who will be the best of his time on the face of this earth”. When our 8th Imam (as) was born, Imam al-Kadhim (as) came and congratulated his wife for being chosen as the mother of an Imam…and then recited Adhan and Iqamah in the ears of his child and named him ‘Ali (as).] (Chauda Sitaare)

His Titles


In history, he (as) is popularly known as Abul-Hasan ar-Reza meaning ‘the father of al-Hasan – one with whom Allah (SWT) is extremely pleased’. It is narrated that our 8th Imam (as) was called ar-Reza because throughout his life, his Muwaafiqeen and Mukhaalifeen (friends & foes) were generally satisfied and pleased with him.

Once during the days of our 9th Imam, Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (as), some people spread the rumour that the title of his father ar-Reza was given to him by Mamun ar-Rasheed. When the Imam (as) heard this, he (as) said,
“This is not true! This title was bestowed upon my father in view of the pleasure of Allah (SWT) and His prophet (saww).My father earned this title because all the people – friends and foes alike- were pleased by his personality”. (Ahsanul-Muqaal)


The other most popular title of our 8th Imam (as) is that of Imam al-Thaamin al-Zamin meaning ‘the 8th Imam – who is the guarantor’. We Shias have this practice that whenever we travel, we tie some money in a band around the right arm and call it the money of Imam Zamin. This is in reference to our 8th Imam (as) whom we consider as our guarantor in safety and success during our travels. Where did this concept come from?

Once a thief was brought to the court of Mamun for Judgement. The king immediately ruled that his hands should be chopped off. But the thief protested and said that the king could not do this due to three reasons:

Firstly, the king was responsible for creating such an economical climate whereby poverty was on increase and that he had no choice but to steal to feed his family. Secondly, the thief claimed that he was a Sayyid (a descendant of the prophet) and he accused the king, rightly so, of stopping ‘Khums’ from reaching him. And thirdly, he said that he was a free man whereas the king was a slave! And as such a slave cannot punish free men.

When the king heard this, he was extremely infuriated and asked the thief about this riddle that he was a slave whereas the thief was a free man. The thief said, “Your father had bought a female slave from public treasury (and not his personal wealth) and you were born from her womb. This means that you remain as a slave and are considered as public property”. All this was too much for the king so he sought the help of Imam ar-Reza (as).

Imam (as) said, “The thief was correct and his hands cannot be cut”. Hence, it was the Zamanat of Imam (as)’s knowledge and wisdom that saved the poor thief’s hands from being cut.

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