Quotes from Judaism

Quotes from Judaism, all the non-Jews are not human being but are only cattle and should be in the servitude of Jews

“Judaism is not a religion but a Law religionized.”
Moses Mendelssohn

Caution: Some of these quotes from Judaism are quite harsh. The quotes from Jewish writings themselves are usually defended as being “taken out of context” or “removed” with apologies, and with the justification that such sentiments were warranted because the Jews were being persecuted. While the sentiment behind such apologies may be genuine, the fact is that Judaism itself is a plan for hegemony, as stated from the very beginning, well attested in the Tenach or Old Testament.
Quotes from the Bible, Talmud and Zohar (Kabbala)
Note: The disparaging comments regarding non-Jews are expurgated from various editions of the Talmud. They are, however, found in the Soncino English translation of 1935. (Some of these pages have been reproduced in The Plot against Christianity.) Where they have been expunged, one can find an “o” indicating “oral tradition,” which means they are still taught. Like it or not, Judaism fervently teaches ultimate supremacy over “the nations,” i.e., Gentiles, whom it pronounces as inferior creatures. Many Jews over the centuries, especially those who are “non-practicing,” have exposed and apologized for these malicious comments and supremacist attitude. (See concentration camp survivor and Israeli citizen Prof. Israel Shahak’s, Jewish History, Jewish Religion.) They are not to be held responsible; in many cases, they were conditioned from birth and are appalled at the mentality. Almost none of our “Jewish” friends agree with this attitude, although some joke about it.
It is true that some of these quotes have been taken out of context. We are attempting here to find them and put them within their context. Also, a number of these contentious remarks are followed by mitigating commentary from another rabbi (such as the quote about heathens studying the Torah at Sanhedrin 59a). Some of these quotes are translated quite differently from version to version, apparently at times softened. According to Prof. Israel Shahak, the original Hebrew passages possess greater vitriol than do the translations. Because of the translation discrepancies, it is difficult to verify these quotes. The verses in dark blue are confirmed to be in the Soncino Talmud. We have removed some particularly incendiary remarks because they cannot easily be verified. For more information regarding apparently erroneous Talmudic quotes please see the writings of Judy Andreas.
Further, it should be noted that some of these texts, such as the Zohar, Aruch, Yalkut, Tosefta and Soferim, may not be contained within the Talmud proper but are referenced therein, as “commentaries” and “tractates” also considered “sacred texts.” While the Soncino Talmud quotes are represented verbatim where possible, at least some of the statements purportedly from these other texts represent paraphrases. The text is frequently deliberately difficult to follow, in Hebrew as well, such that it needs to be simplified. (Such as concerns the use of terms for non-Jews/Gentiles: “Cutheans,” “Samaritans,” “Egyptians,” “Canaanites,” “Karaites” and “Minim,” which refers to the “Judeo-Christian heretics,” also considered the “Sadducees.” “Heathens,” of course, and “Goyim,” are well-known terms used in the Talmud. “Goyim,” referring to Gentiles, is said to mean “unclean.”)
It should be also kept in mind that much of the Talmud was orally taught and/or written down long before pogroms and persecution of Jews by the Christians were common. Thus, the notion that these anti-Gentile statements are a reaction to such persecution is untrue. Indeed, it has been suggested that the persecution was in large part on account of such anti-Gentile sentiments and behavior. For a rebuttal or apology of these quotes, see below.

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