We take pride that the infallible Imams from Ali b. Abu Talib till the savior of humanity, his Holyness Mahdi, the Master of Ages (A.S.) who lives by the power of Almighty and oversees our affairs is our Imam (leader).
We take pride that vitalizing supplications, which we call the Ascending (sa’id) Qur’an belongs to our Imams: supplications of the month of Sha’ban, Arafat prayers of Hussain b. Ali (A.S.), Shifa al-Sajjadiyyah -this Psalms of Muhammadans- and Shifa al-Fatemieh -the divine revelations to her Holyness Fatimah Zahra (A.S.)- belong to us.
We take pride that the [fifth] Imam, Baqer ul’ulum (A.S.), is the greatest personality of history and no one but the Almighty God, His Messenger (S.A.W), and the infallible Imams has appreciated his stature.
And we take pride that we belong to Ja’fari school [of jurisprudence, fiqh] and ours, a vast and endless ocean, has been developed by him. We are proud of all infallible lmams (A.S.) and we pay our allegiances to them.
We take pride that the infallible Imams (A.S.) were imprisoned, lived in exile, and finally became martyrs while enhancing Islam, implementing the Holy Qur’an -the establishment of Just and Righteous Rule being one of its dimension¬ and while toppling the tyrannical governments and the oppressors of their time. And we are proud today that we want to execute the precepts of the Qur’an and the traditions and that the various classes and sectors of our nation participate in this great effort zealously, sacrificing their wealth, life and their loved ones in the path of God.
We take pride that our women, regardless of age, prominent or unknown, are taking part, alongside men, in cultural, economic, and military domain, sometimes better than men, in enhancement of Islam and implementation of its objectives. Those who are capable of fighting take military training-which is an important strategy for the defense of Islam and the Islamic land-and ignore [and tolerate] bravely and committedly the deprivations that the conspiratorial enemies and the ignorant friends imposed upon them, upon Islam and Muslims.
[They also] have disentangled themselves of the shackles of superstitions which the enemies have produced for their own benefit by the ignorant people or some uninformed preacher about the interest of Muslims. And those who are not able to fight are busy rendering services behind the front, so profoundly that they are breath taking for our own nation and annoying and angering for the enemies and the ignorant [friends] who are worse than enemies.
We have repeatedly witnessed gracious women who crying out like [her Holyness] Zainab (A.S.) that they are proud to have lost their children in the path of Almighty God and the noble Islam and are ready to sacrifice whatever else they possess. They know that what they have gained is more valuable than the lofty paradise, let alone compared to trivial worldly things. And our nation, and also Islamic and oppressed nations of the world are proud that their enemy -who are the enemies of the glorious God, the Holy Qur’an and the noble Islam¬ are savages who would not hesitate to commit crimes and treacherous acts for their wicked and criminal goals and for obtaining domination and for satisfying their base interests [and in so doing], they recognize no enemy or friend.
Chief among them, America this self-indulging terrorist, is a government which has enflamed the whole world and its ally is international Zionism, which, in order to satiate her desires will commit crimes which pens are embarrassed to enumerate and tongue likewise to describe; the silly notion of greater Israel lead them commit every conceivable crimes. Muslim nations and the oppressed people of the world are proud that their enemies are the Jordanian [king] Hussein, this professional vagrant criminal, and [king] Hassan and Hosni Mubarak [of Egypt], the cohorts of Israel, are criminals and are in the service of America and Israel. [They] do not hesitate to commit any kind of treasons against their own nation.
And we are proud that our enemy is the Ba’athist Saddam whom is recognized by friends and foe as a criminal and a broacher of the principles of international law and human rights. Everyone knows that his treacherous acts against the oppressed people of Iraq and the Shiekhdoms of the Persian Gulf are not less grave than those committed against Iranian nation. We and [other] oppressed nations of the world are proud that international mass media and the propaganda machine accuse us of crimes and treasons that only the criminal superpowers dictate and order.
What pride would be more sublime and more dignified than to witness that America, despite her claims, military machine, her puppet governments, her having access to the wealth of the oppressed nations, and her control of mass media, failed and lost heart before the upright nation of Iran and the country of his Holyness Baqi-at-Allah [special designation for the Shi’i twelfth Imam], may god sacrifice us upon his coming, to the point that she does not know to whom to turn to. Whomever she turns, she is refused ant this could not have come about but only through the invisible aids from the Almighty, whose Greatness is the Highest, and Who has awakened nations especially the Iranian nation and has elevated it from the darkness of despotic monarchy into Islamic light.
On this occasion, I advice the noble but oppressed nation of Iran not to divert from the straight path of neither the atheist East nor the oppressor West, but rather be firmly committed, loyal and dedicated to the path which is granted to them by God. Never neglect appreciating this blessing and not to allow unclean elements of the superpowers, whether foreign elements or internal ones, who are worst, to shake its pure intentions and to interfere with its iron will.
You should know that the more the international mass media be antagonistic towards you, the more that reflects your divine power, and the Almighty God shall punish them both in this world and in the Hereafter; Truly He is the Lord of all blessings and
“in His hand lies the dominion over all things.” [The Qur’an: 23:88].
I earnestly appeal to Muslim nations to follow whole-heartedly, sacrificingly -both self and loved ones- and with proper manner, their Holyness the Imams, particularly their political culture, social [manners], economic and military [principles], and never to abandon, even an inch, the traditional jurisprudence (figh al- sonati), which is the manifestation of Prophetic and Imamate school and the guarantor of the enhancement of nations, whether the Primary Ordinances (ahkam al- avvaliye) or the Secondary Ordinances (ahkam al-thanaviye), both of which are schools of Islamic jurisprudence.
Never heed the temptations of the misguided enemies and beware that one deviate step would mean the prelude to the corruption of religion, Islamic ordinances and the Divinely Just and Righteous Rule. For example, never neglect the Friday congregational prayers which reflect the political dimension of prayers: This Friday prayer is among the greatest blessing that the Almighty has granted to this nation. Also never neglect the mourning ceremonies on the occasions of the martyrdom anniversaries of the Imams, particularly the master of all martyrs his Holyness Abi-Abdollah Hussein (A.S.) (much may God, His angels, the Prophets and saints bless his great and daring soul).
People should be reminded that the decrees of the Imams (A.S.) for commemorating this great epic4 and whatever curses have been sent to the enemies of the Household of the Prophet are, in fact, the heroic cries of nations against the tyrannical rulers throughout history to the end. You should know that the curses against the injustices of the Umayyads, who have been eliminated from the face of earth and dropped into hell, reflect the cry of [the people] against the oppressors of the world.