Look at the nations who were trampled under the feet of the Soviets, the advocates of the ‘people’, and who lost everything they had. The people of the Soviet Union, Muslims and others, are hard pressed under the dictatorial oppression of the Communist Party; they are denied any form of liberty and are subjected to a strangulation which is the worst among all dictatorships in the world today.
We saw the coming to power of Stalin, who was one of the so-called brilliant figures of the Communist Party. We saw his aristocratic life and we witnessed how luxuriously moved around. Now you give your lives for the sake of your love for that regime while the oppressed masses in the Soviet Union and in the Soviet bloc countries like Afghanistan10 lose their lives because of the Soviets’ oppression and, heedless of those developments, you pretend to support the ‘people’, apparently forgetting the crimes you committed against the very ‘people’ whom you claim to support, against the noble people in Amol11 whom you falsely claimed were your supporters, many of whom you instigated against the Islamic government and other people, and let them get killed in an armed challenge to the Islamic government. You went beyond all limits in your criminal perpetrations and now you ‘supporters of oppressed people’ wish to put the oppressed and deprived masses in Iran into the fold of Soviet dictatorship, doing it under the cover of Fada’ eyan Khalq and advocates of the oppressed and deprived masses, and the Tudeh Party doing the same more slyly under the cover of support for the government of the Islamic Republic, and other political groups, by force of fire arms, assassinations and bomb blasts.
My last word to you, political parties, who are either known as leftists -though there are indications that they are American inventions and pro-American groups- or fed and inspired by the West and those who are using firearms in a contention for self-rule and under the cover of support for the Kurds and Baluchis, and who have wreaked havoc in Kurdestan and in other areas of the country and prevented educational, health, economic, and reconstruction services in those provinces, such as the Democratic Party and Koumeleh12, is to call on you to reunite with the rest of the masses and remember your bitter experience, which has only served to make the people in those provinces miserable, and admit that whatever you do, you will only bring misery to the people in those areas of the country.
So remember that it is for your own ultimate good -and in the interest of the people whom you pretend to support- to join forces with the government and stop revolting and serving foreign enemies and betraying your own nation. Lend a helping hand to the building of the country and rest assured that for you Islam is a better alternative than the criminal power pole of the West and the dictatorial power pole of East.
My last word to errant Muslim groups who are inclined to the West or occasionally to Eastern ideology, who have occasionally voiced support for the hypocrites -whose treachery was exposed to the public- due to their misconceptions, at times cursed and flouted the enemies of the opponents of Islam is to call on them not to persist in their erroneous judgment, but to admit their mistaken beliefs, relying on their Islamic courage, and tojoin forces with and align themselves to the government, the majlis and the oppressed people for God’s satisfaction, and rid the oppressed masses of contemporary history of the evil of oppressors.
Remember the words of (Seyyed Hassan] Moddaress13 , the clear-sighted, morally undefiled and self-committed scholar (alim) who said at a sad majlis session of his time that if the ulama [and the Islamic thought] are to be destroyed, why should they pave the way with their own hands? Today, in memory of that martyr of the cause of God, I tell my devoted brothers that if one day it be destined that we be wiped out from the world scene it would be better for us to go by the criminal hands of the Americans and the Soviets, and better for us to seek reunion with God with our sanguine bodies, rather than choose to have a comfortable and aristocratic life under the banner of the Red Army of the East or the black banner of the West.
This has been the way of life of the prophets, of the Imams of Muslims and religious sages. We too, should follow the same course and should inspire ourselves with the conviction that if a nation decides to live without relying on foreign powers they certainly can, and that the world powers cannot impose a way of life on them which is contrary to their own convictions. Afghanistan is a contemporary example proving this argument. Although the usurping government in that country and leftist parties there were and are aligned with the Soviets, they have not yet been able to subjugate the masses.
Moreover, the deprived nations of the world are now waking up and before long their wakefulness will culminate in uprisings and revolts and revolutions, and they will gradually rid themselves of the domination of oppressors. You Muslim people who believe in Islamic values readily see that we are witnessing the fruits of ending our reliance on the Western and Eastern power blocs already in our country.
You see that our capable native brains are working to lead us to self-sufficiency, and we see the accomplishment of things which the treacherous expatriates here said were beyond our technical capacity to undertake and which, God willing, we will be successfully undertaking in the future. Alas for the late institution of this Revolution, for if it had been undertaken at least at the start of the cruel and dirty reign of Muhammad Reza, then our plundered Iran today would be a different one.
To the writers, public speakers, intellectuals and obstructionists, naggers and people driven against the Islamic Revolution by their own complexes, I say: Instead of spending your time doing things against the interests of the Islamic Republic, and instead of depleting all your energy in acts of antagonism and in malicious thoughts and for censoring the majlis and the government and other serving people, [acts] which serve to push your country into the fold of the superpowers, sit at a private place on a still night for a self-trial before God -or before your own conscience if you do not believe in God- and find out your own latent motives which may be in the subconscious of many men and which drive you into acting and speaking as you do.
Find out why and on the basis of what criteria you are looking down at the blood of our youth who are ripped to pieces in the battlefronts, and why you are waging a psychological war with a nation determined to liberate itself from the burden of oppressors and plunderers in and outside of our country, and also determined to safeguard, with whatever self¬ sacrifices, the independence and freedom which it has obtained at the cost of shedding its blood and the blood of its children.
Find out why you are feeding the fire of division and why you promote treacherous conspiracies against the nation. Would you not do better to push your pen and use your tongue to safeguard your country? Would you not do well to help this deprived and tyrannized nation and to help institute the Islamic government? Do you really consider this majlis, this president and this cabinet and this judiciary council to be worse than their counterparts duringthe past regime? Have you really forgotten the cruelties of that accursed regime upon this oppressed and helpless people?
Do you not really know that at that time this Islamic country used to be a military base for the United States and that they [the Americans] treated our country as their colony? That the majlis, the government and the armed forces were in the clutches of the Americans? Do you not really know what advisors, their technicians and the expatriate Americans did to our resources? Have you really forgotten the increasing prostitution throughout our country as well as the steadily growing number of centers for corrupt entertainment, ranging from houses of ill fame to gambling houses, wine cellars and liquor stores, movie houses and other quarters which were important elements for ruining the young generation? Have you realty forgotten those corrupt mass medias and periodicals and those papers in that regime?