The Holy Prophet’s (S) Be’that: The Beginning of a new Historical Era

That was while the faith of the early Muslims whose children wasted away before their eyes there were many people who died there, many became ill and many suffered from starvation was not shaken. The Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) told his dear son, Muhammad ibn al- Hanafiyyah, “… the mountains may be shaken, they may be removed, but your faith must not be shaken.” 4
That was the same piece of advice that the Holy Prophet (S) gave in his testament. That is the way the Islamic Ummah must rise up. That is what Be’that of the Islamic Ummah means. That is the lesson that the Holy Prophet (S) taught us. That is what Be’that teaches us.
It is no use sitting around and saying that Quranic verses were revealed or that Gabriel came and appointed Mohammad as prophet. It is no use rejoicing that a particular person converted to Islam and that another did not. The point is that we must learn lessons from this event – which gave rise to all the other events of the life of the Holy Prophet (S). All the years of his prophethood, which lasted for 23 years, are full of lessons for us.
The Need to carefully study the life of the Holy Prophet (S) in order to learn lessons from it
Once I said that the life of the Holy Prophet (S) must be studied “millimeter by millimeter”. Every moment of his life embodied an event, a lesson and a great manifestation of humanity.
That is true of those twenty three years of his prophethood. Our youth must read the biography of the Holy Prophet (S) from authoritative sources and familiarize themselves with the events. This Ummah with such grandeur which still keeps presenting humanity with the best advice, the best solutions, the greatest lessons and the best cure – started out, spread and set its roots in this way. Otherwise, the mere fact that we are followers of truth will not push us forward. Truth must be accompanied by steadfastness.
I have said on many occasions that in the Battle of Siffin the Commander of the Faithful said, “One cannot bear this flag unless one is patient and has insight.” 5 Only those who have insight and know the goal and who are patient can carry this flag. Patience is the same as steadfastness and solidity. That is the lesson that Be’that holds for us. 6
The Significance of the events that coincide with the Holy Prophet’s (S) birth
The birth of the Holy Prophet (S) is not just a historical reality. It was an event that determined the path of humanity. The phenomena that took place at the time of his birth and were recorded in history are a clear sign pointing to the significance and reality of this event. According to some traditions, the birth of the Holy Prophet of Islam (S) was a setback for all manifestations of atheism and polytheism throughout the world.
The Zoroastrian Temple of Fars, which had kept its fire alight for a thousand years, went out when the Holy Prophet (S) was born. Idols collapsed in temples, leaving the servants of the temples wondering what was happening. That was the symbolic blow that the Prophet’s (S) birth dealt to atheism, polytheism, and materialism. In addition, the castles of the oppressive kings of the polytheistic Persian Empire were shaken. The battlements – fourteen battlements – of the Castle of Madaen collapsed.
That was another clear sign pointing to the fact that the Holy Prophet’s (S) birth was a preface to fighting evil in the world. This birth had a spiritual as well as a practical aspect to it – that is, moral, intellectual, and social guidance of humanity. Fighting oppression, uncontrolled passions, and unlawful rule of oppressors over people were all the symbolic meanings of the Prophet’s (S) birth.
The Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) has described in many parts of Nahj al-Balaghah the time before the Holy Prophet (S) was born. Specifically, he said, “The world lost its light and pride appeared.” 7 There was no light for humanity. People lived in a dark era. Ignorance, rebellion, and misguided beliefs – whose manifestations were most obvious where the Prophet (S) was born and subsequently chosen as the Prophet of Islam – pervaded the lives of the people in the Arabian Peninsula. All the manifestations of darkness and misguided beliefs were represented in one form or another in Mecca and Jaziratul Arab.
Misguided beliefs, polytheism that brings humiliation on mankind, savage social behavior, and brutal actions were examples of the norms at the time the Prophet (S) was born and chosen as the Prophet of Islam.
“And when the birth of a daughter is announced to one of them, his face becomes black and he is full of wrath. He hides himself from the people because of the evil of what is announced to him. Shall he keep it with disgrace or bury it (alive) in the dust? Now surely evil is what they judge!” 8
That is an example of human morality at the time the Prophet (S) was born and chosen as prophet. “And then there was guidance from misguided beliefs and light from darkness.” 9 Mankind was blind, but the Holy Prophet (S) made them see. Darkness pervaded the world until the Holy Prophet (S) enlightened it. That is the significance of the Holy Prophet’s (S) birth and being chosen as the Prophet of Islam (S). Not only Muslims, but all humanity has benefited from this divine blessing.
Although the Holy Prophet’s (S) message has not been conveyed to the entire humanity yet, this radiant beacon of guidance is still alight and will gradually lead humanity towards the ultimate source of light throughout years and centuries. You can see this trend if you take a look at the events that took place after the time Prophet Mohammad (S) was born and chosen as the Prophet. Humanity has moved towards moral values since then. Humanity has become acquainted with moral values. This trend will become more widespread and stronger on a daily basis until it engulfs the entire world by Allah’s favor.
“That He may make it prevail over all religions, though the polytheists are averse.” 10
This will continue until mankind starts its true journey on the divine path of righteousness, which will mark the beginning of the life of humanity. That day will mark the end of divine proof for humanity and mankind will keep moving on the broad path of righteousness.
As the members of the Muslim Ummah, we have been presented with this great blessing and we must make use of it. We must enlighten our hearts, faith, thoughts, and lives through the blessing of this holy religion. We must enlighten our world. Islam is a source of light and insight. We can get close to it and benefit from it. That is the responsibility of all Muslims.
• 1.Sura al-Hijr, Ayahs 94-95
• 2.Tafsir Qomi, Vol. 2, P. 228
• 3.Sura al-Fath, Ayah 29
• 4.Mustadrak, Vol. 11, P. 86
• 5.Nahjul Balaghah, Sermon 173
• 6.Supreme Leader’s speech delivered on July 30, 2008 in a meeting with government officials of the Islamic Republic on the occasion of the Holy Prophet’s (S) Be’that
• 7.Nahjul Balaghah, Sermon 88
• 8.Sura an-Nahl, Ayahs 58-59
• 9.Iqbal al-A’mal, Vol. 1, P. 295
• 10.Sura at-Taubah, Ayah 33

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