Essential points regarding the remedy for current afflictions of the world of Islam

Two essential pillars of Islam: Unity and Monotheism
Several decades earlier, a luminary had said, “Islam has been founded on monotheism and unity.” These are the two essential pillars of Islam: monotheism and unity, with the latter originating from the former. That is to say, unity should be pivoted on monotheism. Today we need to promote the slogan of returning to monotheism and unity more than ever before.
Whatever afflictions and hardships that Muslims and Muslim nations are suffering from are because of the fact that Muslims have lost their commitment to living in the shade of monotheism. Monotheism is not just an abstract concept. It is a concrete reality, a system and a set of guidelines for life. Monotheism tells us how to treat our friends and enemies and how to behave and live in a social system. Some people wrongly think that faith in monotheism is only related to afterlife. This is while faith in monotheism is the factor that helps human beings build this world and their lives. Today we need monotheism, just as other Muslim nations need it.
The closer we move to monotheism and serving Allah the Exalted, the more successful we will be in eliminating Taghuts and those who consider themselves as equal to God. The faithful people of Iran have saved themselves from the verbal and physical transgressions of America and the other arrogant powers to the extent that they have moved forward on the path of monotheism. The people of Iran have freed themselves from the domineering attitudes of the arrogant powers and this freedom is proportionate to their progress on the path of monotheism. This is the characteristic of monotheism and serving Allah the Exalted. When you become a servant of God, you realize that serving God is not consistent with serving anybody other than God. This is the first pillar.
The second pillar is unity. Muslim nations should unite with each other. Today one of the biggest problems of the Muslim world is that the enemies of Islam have turned the instruments of Muslim unity namely, the existence of a common enemy, the existence of the usurping Zionists into instruments of fomenting discord, and some Muslim governments use unity as an instrument to fight their religious brothers and give rise to discord.
This is while the existence of such an enemy at the heart of Muslim territories should bring Muslims closer to one another and encourage them to join hands and form a unified front. And this problem is rooted in the interference and transgressions of the arrogant powers. If it were not for the support that the arrogant powers, particularly America, offer to the occupiers of Palestine and the international terrorists who have gathered at the heart of Islamic territories namely, current leaders of the fake Israeli government they would not have been able to survive.
They cannot act as intermediaries because they are part of the issue: they are standing against Muslim governments and peoples, and this has been proven in the events that have happened over the past few years. The great tragedy that the Zionists have caused namely, capturing Quds, the original Qiblah of Muslims is because of the support that America offers them, otherwise they would not have dared to do such things. If it were not for the support of America, Muslim governments would have been able to counter this Taghut. Muslim governments are still capable of countering the Zionist regime if they form a unified front. 7
The Holy Prophet (S): God’s Ism ul-A’dham
Mab’ath is undoubtedly the greatest day in human history. One reason is that the person who was appointed by God to fulfill this mission namely, the Holy Prophet of Islam (S) is the greatest human being in the entire creation and history. He is a manifestation of Ism ul-A’dham. He has also been referred to as Ism ul-A’dham itself and not a manifestation of it. Another reason is that the Holy Prophet’s (S) mission namely, guiding people towards light, removing heavy burdens from the shoulders of humanity, building a world that is suitable for human beings and endless other purposes that are behind Be’that of divine prophets is a great responsibility. That is to say, both the person who has been sent to fulfill this mission and the responsibility that has been placed on his shoulders are the greatest. Therefore, Mab’ath is the greatest day in history.
Be’that: A Response to the needs of humanity
Attempting to limit the essence of Be’that to the framework of what we infer with our flawed wisdom, is definitely an injustice to Be’that and the essence of this prophetic mission. It is not possible to infer the essence of the Holy Prophet’s (S) Be’that on the basis of our flawed wisdom, but if we were asked to briefly specify Be’that and its boundless scope, we could say that Be’that belongs to mankind. It is for human beings, who are spiritually boundless, just like Be’that itself. Human beings enjoy various dimensions and are not limited to material aspects and worldly life. Mankind is not limited to spirituality either. They are not limited to a particular historical era. Human beings have always been boundless and unknown. Human beings are still an unknown quantity. Be’that was for human beings, for their destiny, for guiding them.
Of course, in all eras, every individual and every group of people have benefitted from Be’that as much as possible, just as Muslims of the early Islamic era managed to benefit from the essence of Be’that, to spread this brilliant light to different parts of the world and to guide many human beings onto the right path and help them achieve servitude of God. Afterwards, during a particular era, they gave rise to such civilized life and glory in the world and produced such knowledge that human beings are still benefitting from the blessings despite the fact that a long time has passed since that time. Similarly, in all eras, whenever Muslims managed to benefit from Islam in an appropriate way, they achieved happiness. Any human being who has managed to benefit from Islam as much as possible, has been able to achieve happiness.
What happened in Islamic Iran that is to say, after the victory of the great Islamic Revolution and the establishment of the Islamic Republic was in fact a manifestation of what Islam has introduced to humanity. The Iranian nation was living in bad conditions. The Iranian nation did not have bright prospects. The people of Iran had drifted away from what they deserved as human beings. Because of having drifted away from Islam, the Iranian nation had been exposed to oppression in the area of science and human values as well as in economic and political areas. Thanks to becoming familiar with Islam and Islamic teachings, the Iranian nation managed to achieve Islam through its great movement. It managed to implement Islam. It managed to prepare the ground for implementing the divine rules of Islam in the country. It managed to benefit from Islam. It managed to explore the depth of Islamic teachings and achieve close familiarity with the Holy Quran. 8
• 1.Sura at-Tariq, Ayah 15
• 2.Sura Aal-e Imran, Ayah 54
• 3.Supreme Leader’s speech delivered on July 23, 1997 in a meeting with government officials and participants of the Islamic Unity Conference on the occasion of birthday anniversaries of the Holy Prophet (S) and Imam Sadiq (a.s.)
• 4.Sura Ibrahim, Ayah 1
• 5.Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 68, P. 382
• 6.Supreme Leader’s speech delivered on November 28, 1997 in a meeting with government officials on the occasion of Mab’ath
• 7.Supreme Leader’s speech delivered on July 12, 1998 in a meeting with government officials of the Islamic Republic
• 8.Supreme Leader’s speech delivered on November 17, 1998 in a meeting with government officials of the Islamic Republic on the occasion of Mab’ath

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