Essential points regarding the remedy for current afflictions of the world of Islam

The purpose behind the temptation to separate religion from politics, which has been promoted by the English, the Americans and their puppets, is to make Muslims disregard this opportunity and this advantage. Outstanding personalities of the world of Islam have the heaviest responsibility in this regard. Outstanding personalities include religious scholars, intellectuals, poets, speakers, journalists and those who can influence the way people think. They have the heaviest responsibilities.
It is time for the world of Islam to awaken and to choose Islam as the straight path and the path of salvation and to follow it with firm and determined steps. It is time for the world of Islam to preserve its unity and to stand up against the enemy that has harmed all Islamic groups, namely Zionism and the arrogant powers. It is time for the world of Islam to form a unified front against this enemy, shout the same slogans, promote the same things and follow the same path. God willing, these efforts will receive support from Allah the Exalted and from divine laws and they will continue.
We hope Allah the Exalted awakens Muslim communities. We hope He makes Islamic governments aware of their responsibilities. We hope He makes our steps firm on this straight divine path. We hope He attracts the affection of the Imam of the Age (may our souls be sacrificed for his sake) towards Muslim communities and helps all Muslim groups benefit from his prayers. 3
If we think of the sending of divine prophets as the most significant events that have affected the destiny of mankind, Be’that of the Holy Prophet of Islam (S) is the most important event among all the great and small events that have happened in the history of mankind.
No other event including great revolutions, the rise and fall of nations and great personalities, and emergence of different schools of thought has been more significant for humanity than the sending of divine prophets. You see today that the most permanent and solid intellectual frameworks are the ones that have been introduced by religions and this will be the case until the end of time. There are many people in the world who have not exposed themselves to the light of the Holy Prophet’s (S) Be’that namely, non-Muslim people. However, even those people have benefitted from the blessings of the Holy Prophet’s (S) Be’that.
Science and civilization, moral virtues, good customs and many other such things might not appear to be directly related to religion, but there is no doubt that they originate from religion and divine teachings, especially Be’that of the Holy Prophet of Islam (S). However, the entire humanity will continue benefitting from these blessings, particularly in the future. Therefore, the greatest and the most significant event in the history of mankind is the Holy Prophet’s (S) Be’that.
It behooves Muslims to reflect more on this event. We cannot deny or disregard the afflictions of the world of Islam. We cannot brush aside the weaknesses that Islamic communities are suffering from.
One day the world went through a special experience, and that experience was the complete rule of Islam over the lives of people. This was the case during the time of the Holy Prophet (S) and a few years after he had passed away. That short period of time enabled the Islamic Ummah to build the greatest nations during particular eras and to promote knowledge, civilization, culture, ethics, progress and unforgettable lessons to an extent that humanity is still benefitting from their light. People benefitted from these things even during the time of Jahiliyya.
Well, this is an experience. The more we drifted away from Islam and the less attention we paid to the message of Be’that, the more difficult life became for us during different eras.
The message of Be’that can be sought in the Holy Quran. I will discuss two parts of this great message in order to illustrate how important it is for us Muslims and how it presents us with a plan and a roadmap.
Messages of Mab’ath according to the Holy Quran
One part is the message that has been mentioned in certain Ayahs of the Holy Quran, including the following Ayah:
“A scripture that we revealed to you, in order to lead the people out of darkness into the light.” 4
It is the message of putting an end to darkness and bringing people into light. Human beings cannot confuse light with darkness. Islam and the message of Be’that lead human beings out of the darkness of ignorance, the darkness of bad customs, the darkness of bad behaviors, the darkness of Fitnas among people, the darkness of superstitions that dominates the minds of people and leads them astray, the darkness of oppression, the darkness of ingratitude. Islam and the message of Be’that guide humanity into light, which is the opposite of darkness.
This message has been repeated in many Ayahs of the Holy Quran, and the purpose is to introduce a comprehensive change into the life of human beings, one that affects their social life, goals and personalities.
Another outstanding point is the issue of ethics and moral purification, which has been stressed in certain Ayahs of the Holy Quran. It has also been mentioned in a narration from the Holy Prophet (S), one that has been narrated by followers of all Islamic denominations: “I was appointed as prophet in order to complete moral virtues.”5 In a society in which moral virtues are commonplace, in a society in which ethical principles including forgiveness, brotherhood, benevolence, justice and a tendency towards knowledge and truth are observed, in a society in which there is equity, and in a society in which vices are not dominant, the people are living in a worldly paradise.
Today humanity is suffering from these problems. Today the afflictions of humanity, the problems that originate from political upheavals and the rule of Taghuts, have their roots in ethical issues. And the afflictions of ordinary people are often rooted in their ignorance. Islam has a remedy for all these problems. Muslims should appreciate the value of these Islamic messages. 6
The need to revive the memory and teachings of the Holy Prophet (S): More urgent than ever before
Commemorating the Holy Prophet (S) is not just a ceremonial gesture. Although the existence of such ceremonies among Muslim nations is valuable and even necessary, the essence of the issue is beyond these things.
Today the world of Islam needs to revive the memory of the Holy Prophet of Islam (S) more than ever before. The entire humanity also needs the memory and teachings of the Holy Prophet (S).
But before we try to address the need of the entire humanity, we should help the world of Islam to recognize this great spiritual asset. There were nations that suffered from hunger for centuries while they had resources that they were not aware of until people from other countries came and plundered their resources. Similarly, today the world of Islam enjoys vast spiritual resources but at the same time it also has to deal with numerous problems. This is while these great spiritual resources can be utilized to help and save the world of Islam.

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