The Prophet (S) has forbidden women to beautify themselves for males other than their husbands and has stated:
A woman must not adorn herself for any save her spouse, and if she were to do so, it would be a just reward for Allah to burn her in the Fires [of Hell].23
Imam Muhammad Baqir (‘a) has stated:
A woman must not perfume herself when she wants to exit her house.24
He has also stated:
It is not permissible for a woman to shake hands with a non-mahram save over her clothing.25
In order to cleanse the social environment, Islam does not suffice with legislating Hijab. In addition to this, it enjoins men to shun leering and to cast their eyes away from watching non-mahram women.
The Quran states:
“Tell the faithful men to shorten their glances and guard their private parts; this is purer for them (it helps keep their purity). Surely, Allah knows all they do.”26
Imam Sadiq (‘a) has stated:
Looking at non-mahram persons is a poisonous arrow of the arrows of Satan and many (such) gazes entail lingering regret.27
He has also stated:
Looking at non-mahram persons is a poisonous arrow of the arrows of Satan and to whoever abandons it for Allah and none save Him, God shall bestow the pleasure of security and faith.28
Again he has stated:
A look after a look nourishes lust in one’s heart and is enough to cause strife (or temptation) for its owner.29
Noble Sadiq (‘a) has also stated:
He who looks at a woman and immediately looks up to the sky or casts down his eyes, Allah will wed him to a houri (in paradise) before his gaze levels again.30
The Prophet of Allah (S) has declared:
He who shakes hands with a non-mahram woman shall come chained on the Last Day and will then be cast into the Fire.31
He stated elsewhere:
He who jests with a woman who is not his, for every word he has spoken to her in the world, Allah shall imprison him for one thousand years.32
Amir al-Mu’minin, ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib (‘a) has stated:
A man must not go into a secluded place with a woman, because no man goes into a private place with a woman save that the third of them is Satan.33
Musa ibn Ja‘far has cited from his forefathers from the Prophet of Allah (S) who stated:
He who has faith in Allah and the Last Day shall not sleep in a place where he hears a woman breathing who is not mahram to him.34
1. -The word non-mahram denotes males that are not close family members in front of whom women must cover themselves and behave modestly. The relationships of mahram men (close family members) are explained in more detail and mentioned in verses in ensuing sections. [trans.]2. – Surah Nur 24:30-31.
3. – Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 201.
4. – Ibid.
5. – Majma‘ ul-Bayan, vol. 7, p. 138.
6. – Surah Ahzab 33:59.Ḥ
7. – Surah Ahzab 33:32-33.
8. – Maharim is the plural form of mahram. Maharim are close relatives with whom one cannot be married. Additionally, one’s spouse is a closer form of mahram. Women are only obliged to cover their private parts before maharim and before their spouse they are not required to cover at all. [trans.]9. – They may see her entire body save her private parts; even so, modesty is always a rule of thumb. Naturally, one’s husband may look at any part of his spouse’s body for pleasure or otherwise. [trans.]10. – A chador is a type of loose cloth that covers the whole body except the face and hands. [trans.]11. – An aba is a type of robe traditionally worn by Arabs. [trans.]12. – Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 212.
13. – Ibid, vol. 20, p. 201.
14. – Nur uth-Thaqalayn, vol. 3, p. 590.
15. – Ibid.
16. – Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 2, p. 522.
17. – Ibid, vol. 20, p. 199.
18. – Ibid, vol. 20, p. 229.
19. – Ibid, vol. 2, p. 228.
20. – Tafsir-e Nur uth-Thaqalayn, vol. 3, p. 587.
21. – Ansar literally means helpers. It is the denomination of the new Muslims of Madinah (then called Yathrib) who invited the Prophet (s) and his followers to live in their city away from the persecutions of the idolaters of Mecca. [trans.]22. – Surah Nur 24:31.
23. – Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 212.
24. – Ibid, p. 220.
25. – Ibid, p. 222.
26. – Surah Nur 24:30.
27. – Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 191.
28. – Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, p. 192.
29. – Ibid, p. 192.
30. – Ibid, p. 193.
31. – Ibid, p. 198.
32. – Ibid, p. 198.
33. – Mustadrak al-Wasa’il, vol. 14, p. 265.
34. – Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 185.