As we have already discussed, knowledge is a valuable feature by which human beings can attain sublime positions. All the misfortunes and deprivations of society arise from ignorance.
It is through knowledge that man feels that he has certain duties to discharge. It is knowledge that makes man know and establish a sound relation with God, the prophets and the Imams. It is knowledge that gives courage, honor, glory, capability, strong faith, conviction and hundreds of other good features. It is knowledge that gives man perpetual happiness and makes him have a standing above the angels. It is knowledge which has made everything conquered by human beings and they are conquered by God. It is knowledge that makes everything fear God. It is through knowledge that man has subdued everything and he is subdued by God.
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) has said: “The sleep of a scholar is better than one thousand rak’as of prayer performed by a worshipper.”13 He has also said: “One hour of a scholar who inclines on a cushion and looks into his deeds is better than seventy year’s prayers of a worshipper.”14
When one dies, his deeds cease, unless he had knowledge from which people benefit, a charity (by him) which is in circulation, and a good son who prays for him.”15
When the Day of Judgment comes, the ink used by the scholars in writing is measured with the blood of martyrs and the ink shall be preferred to the blood.16
As for kindness and good deeds, Imam Sadiq (AS) has been reported as saying:“Patience, forbearance, and good temper are features of the prophets.”17
The Imam (AS) has also said: “Being kind to brethren and trying to fulfill their needs are deeds of the righteous.”18
The Imam has further said: “Have relations, be kind, and have mercy to one another and be kind to brethren as God has commanded.”19
Sho’ayb al-Aqarqoofi narrates: “I heard Imam Sadiq (AS) say: ‘Fear Allah, be kind to the brethren, love one another for the sake of God, keep your kinship, be merciful, visit and meet one another, remember our advice and keep it alive.”20
Being kind and righteous is extremely important in Islam in the same way that being kind is one of God’s Attributes: “Surely, He is Kind and Merciful.” The pious too have this feature which is mentioned both in the Quran and the du’as: “Our Lord! Forgive us our faults, and cover our evil deeds and make us die with the righteous.”21
After speaking of hell that is the abode of the unbelievers, God speaks about the righteous who are the very pious ones. He says: “But as to those who are careful of (their duty to) their Lord, they shall have gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding in them; an entertainment from their Lord, and that which is with Allah is best for the righteous.”22
In the Quranic Suras, Infitar (82), Insan (76), and Mutaffifeen (83) the abode of the righteous on the Day of Judgment has been described. We do not discuss it further.
22-23: One of the other features of the pious is that “they are not satisfied with their meager good acts, and do not regard their major acts as great. They always blame themselves and are afraid of their deed. When any one of them is spoken of highly, he says: I know myself better than others do, and my Lord knows me better than I do. O Allah, do not deal with me according to what they say, and make me better than what they think of me and forgive me (those shortcomings) which they do not know.”23
This topic has been already discussed in the section of “piety and practice” as well as of “self–conceit”. Obviously, the pious do not consider their deeds as great, for when they compare their deeds with the greatness of God Almighty, they see them too meager.
Addressing Hisham, Imam Musa ibn Ja’far al-Kadhim (AS) says: “O Hisham! How can your deeds be pure with God when you have made your wits busy away from the command of your Lord and have made your wits obey your passions and desires?”24
For this reason, when someone speaks highly of the pious, they feel unhappy; because they do not have the impression that they have good features, hence they do not consider themselves worthy of praise. In such conditions, they say to themselves: “I know myself better than others do and my Lord knows me better than I do.” Then they pray: “O Allah, do not deal with me according to what they say, and make me better than what they think of me and forgive me (those shortcomings) which they do not know.”
In these statements, there is a lesson to be learnt, and that is we should not be pleased when we are praised by people, because everyone knows himself better than the others do. He himself knows better than others do about his knowledge, piety, patience, steadfastness, good temper and devotion. The pious know that neither praise nor criticism can add to or reduce from their deeds. In this connection, Imam Musa al-Kadhim (AS) says to Hisham: “If a walnut is in your hand, but people say it is a pearl in your hand, it will not benefit you when you know it is a walnut. The same is true if there is a pearl in your hand and people say it is walnut. It will not harm you when you know it is a pearl.”25
If a person has such a concept, he shall not be influenced by other people’s praise nor will he be pleased to be praised.
About this, God says: “…Therefore, Do Not Boast (Of Being Purified), That He Knows Best Those Who Avoid Evil.”26
Jameel narrated: “I asked Imam Sadiq (AS) about the meaning of this verse, and he said: ‘It is the speech of one who (boastingly) says: I performed prayers all last night and fasted yesterday.’
Then the Imam (AS) said: ‘A group of people say in the morning: ‘I offered prayer last night and fasted yesterday’, whereas Ali (AS) says: ‘I sleep in the day and in night, and if I find anything (of time) between them, I will sleep.’’”27
This does not mean that Imam Ali (AS) sleeps throughout the day and night, but it means that one should never be proud of his worship. The pious not only do not become happy when they are praised, but also they hate to be praised.
24-35: One of the other features of the pious is the following: “The sign of one of them is that you see that he has firmness in religion, determination along with leniency, faith with certainty, greed in (seeking) knowledge, knowledge in forbearance, moderation in wealth, devotion in worship, good-looking in poverty, patience with hardships, striving for the lawful things (sustenance), vitality in guidance, and refraining from greediness.”28
Strength in religion is another feature of the pious as mentioned by Imam Ali (AS). Imam Sadiq (AS), in relation to his grand-uncle Abbas, says: “Our uncle Abbas (ibn Ali) was of great insight and firm faith. He fought alongside his brother, Hossain, passed the test successfully and was martyred.”29
Describing the believers, God says: “The (true) believers are those only who believe in Allah and His messenger and afterward doubt not…”30
Imam Ali (AS) has been reported by Imam Sadiq (AS) as saying: “Doubt and sin are in fire; they are not from us and do not return to us. The believers’ hearts are wrapped totally in faith. When God wills to enlighten what there is in them, He will enlighten them with the revelation. He will sow the seed of wisdom in them… and will reap the harvest.”31
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) has been reported by Imam Reza (AS) as saying: “The best of deeds to Allah Almighty is faith in which there is no doubt, fighting (for the sake of Allah) in which there is no grudge and betrayal, and the accepted Hajj.”32
One, who is strong and steadfast in his faith and is not deviated from it because of any doubt, is a pious man. On the contrary, one who has doubt about his faith will go astray because of the slightest temptations.
Leniency as another feature of the pious has been mentioned in the Holy Quran and traditions. God has recommended the Holy Prophet (SAW) with it. “It was by the mercy of Allah that you were lenient with them (O Muhammad), for if you had been stern and fierce of heart, they would have dispersed from around you.”33