Understanding the Universal Abrahamic Religion

We should have the courage to discuss about the fears on both sides. We commiserate with all hapless victims of violence. We ask religious leaders to abstain from violence and war in the name of religion. Such violence is to be decried because the Qur’an and the Bible insist on dialogue and abstaining from violence. Let us confront the accusation that Christianity and its adherents and Islam and its followers are necessarily, and forever, mortal enemies who must forever be locked in a Crusade.
We decry any kind of political pressure. Those who live among us should be accepted completely. Christians and Muslims are neighbors geographically, and even today our lives depend on each other.
We decry any kind of economic exploitation. We are promoters of social justice, and we should get together to fight injustice, inspired by religion to do so, and to work for peaceful coexistence.
Communiqué of the Conference on Islam and Christianity
The communiqué which was issued at the end of the conference began with the following sentence:
More concretely, the adherents of Islam and Christianity propose the following […]This sentence did not contain any mention about the divinity of both religions. Therefore, the sentence was changed to the following form at the suggestion of Professor Ja‘fari:
More concretely, the followers of the divinely revealed messages of Islam and Christianity propose the following:
• To try to understand other religions the way their followers understand themselves as a condition for true dialogue;
• To develop school material in history, civic education and religious education, particularly material about the two religions, acceptable to all parties;
• Not to abuse the freedom of speech when speaking and writing about other religions;
• To work together to identify, develop further and put into practice an inspiring ethic of peace, liberty, social justice, family values, human rights and dignity, and nonviolent forms of conflict resolution;
• To establish permanent inter-religious councils to further mutual respect and understanding;
• To cooperate across religious borders in Bosnia to reconstruct the country;
• To discuss with people in the media the need for more responsible, peace-promoting forms of journalism.
On this day of the ninth centenary of the call for the first Crusade, we call upon Christians, Muslims and all others, to go beyond mere tolerance. We must open our hearts and minds to each other.
Instead of sensing danger when somebody is different, let us be filled with joy at the opportunity to learn, to enrich and be enriched, to live in peace and create peace. Like everything else, the two largest religions in the world are also subject to development. While keeping the basic message of devotion, let us find new ways, acts and words.
It is within the spirit of freedom of interpretation of one’s own religion that genuine respect for other religions can evolve.
Let the next 900 years and beyond be an era of active peace built in our hearts and our minds, and enacted in our deeds.
1. Sabians: The followers of John the Baptist (pbuh).
2. 5:69.
3. 3:64.
4. 16:123.
5. 2:285.
6. 5:44.
7. 5:46.
8. 5:48.
9. Torah, Genesis 12.
10. Genesis 13.
11. Gospel of Mathew, chapter 8.
12. Abraham, The Father of the Nations, Mahmoud al-Aqqad, page 85.
13. Refer to: A) Jihad of Muslims in the Crusades, Dr. Fayid Hammad. B) The Story of Civilization, Will Durant. C) The Age of Faith and the Crusades and Its causes and Effects, Abdollah Naseri Taheri. D) History of Albert Malet, Jules Isaac. E) The Crusades From the Easterner’s Point of View, Anis Maloof.
14. This eminence of Abraham (pbuh) has been mentioned in the Qur’an, Baqara, verse 124: “And when God of Abraham tried him with certain words (acts) and he fulfilled them. He said: Surely, I will make you Imam (leader) of all people. Abraham said: And of my offspring? My covenant (which I order) does not include the unjust, said God”.

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