All of these are the human and economical powers, which are completely wasted, and there is no reason save separation of human societies from each other. It is just like two commercial institutions spending fifty percent of their capital and time for retreating and repressing each other. It goes without saying that it will have no result save loss and damage for both of them.
Therefore, if a perfect unity is formed among all human societies, the “efficiency” of their activities in all aspects of life will be increased twice.
Everybody can understand this issue well, and can find the results of unity.
But, in respect to moral issues, there is no doubt that individuals are different with each other: difference in taste, tact, way of thinking, being advocate of calmness or severity or moderateness, difference in being sentimental or conceptual, difference in subjectivism or objectivism, in being affective or non affective, in regarding formalities and appearance or disregarding them, in degree of tendency to different scientific, economical and affairs.
It is true that we can make changes and modifications in the belief, affections, thoughts, and desires of different individuals, but anyway these differences are neither deniable, nor completely removable.
The people, who want to have a life full of peace and close cooperation in a great global society, should reach that level of “moral development” that after understanding the realities in respect to difference in mental, spiritual, and moral structure can tolerate and digest the difference points of others.
They should be able to respect desires of others in case of disagreement in marginal issues, as their own desires, and never expect the others to follow them in all cases, and neither impose their desires on them, nor change the marginal issues to the basic ones. Pay attention.
Forgiveness and connivance, heart tolerance, broad-mindedness, tolerance, subtlety, and patience are all the affairs necessary for digestion of these differences in moral view.
Even two persons cannot cooperate closely with each other, save they have perceived this reality and are ready for welcoming it.
Certainly, this moral readiness for digestion of disagreement points is not attainable through negotiation. Rather, it is the affair, which is only possible through purification and education causing sufficient development in moral aspects.
Islam and global unique society
Islam has paved the way for formation of a global unique society in different aspects, because:
First,–Islam appeared in a racist society, where the issue of tribe and gens constituted its infrastructure and the issue of race dominated all of its aspects. Even its cities were not a city in a real sense, because the tribes and gens were completely separate from each other.
However, Islam excluded totally the issue of race from the social issues, and devaluated it in general.
Sometimes, it fought with them with the same logic that their racial society originated from it (unity in blood, unity of original forebear of tribe), and made them understood that if you think in a higher level, the human society are all created from two spouses.
So, all should form one unit:
O mankind! Lo! We have created you male and female. (49:13)
And thereby “human brotherhood” replaced “tribal brotherhood” and “mankind’s blood” replaced “tribe’s blood”.
And sometimes Islam represented them that although the issue of preserving parentage, relation and connection of individuals to tribe as well as gens and forefathers is necessary, but it is not for boasting to the descents. Rather it is for knowing each other through this special social classification.
It is certain that preserving rights of individuals in the societies necessitates that individuals shall be distinguished and recognized from each other, and there is no more natural and correct way than relation to the forefathers, ancestors, nations and tribes, but it should be only a means of knowing, not boasting:
And have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. (49:13)
And once Islam notified that “dignity” and “value” of individuals is for their spiritual virtues and carnal habits (virtue and piety), and this is never attainable through heritage, and in other words, if presumably heretical attributes are “beautiful”, they are involuntarily beautiful, and cannot be a criterion for personality and dignity.
Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. (49:13)
And in this manner, Islam has inflicted its final strike on the foundations of racism and the schisms caused by it.
Second, Islam has invalidated the cause of disunion through disregarding geographical borders, either natural or arbitrary, as well as including and expanding its invitation to all countries of world.
We can find this logic of Islam within the numerous phrases in the Holy Qur’an:
a- Qur’anic addresses, save what are specialized to believers, are so generalized that include all nations of world, like the addresses of “O people”, “O My Servants”, “O Children of Adam” and “O man”, which are mentioned in different verses of Qur’an.1
In these addresses, all of the world, from any tribe, nation, and country, are included and there is not any trace of different nations in them.
b- Qur’an assumed all of the earth as God’s vast territory, as it says:
O my bondmen who believe! Lo! My earth is spacious. Therefore serve Me only. (29:56)
And do not surrender to enemies’ pressures.
And somewhere else it instructs to roam all around the earth for observing the remains of annihilated civilizations of the ancestors and taking lesson from their life associated with sin and injustice.
Do but travel in the land and see the nature of the consequence for the deniers! (16:36)
And also it invites people to correction on the earth, and avoiding corruption on it:
Work not confusion in the earth after the fair ordering (thereof). (7:56)
And someone else it calls the earth the inheritance of righteous and good doers, who finally will govern on it:
My righteous slaves will inherit the earth: (21:105)