The old woman entered the tent saying to her children, “Get up and bring the water-skin in.” They asked, “O mother! How did you carry this heavy water-skin up to here?” She said, “A sweet-speaking young man carried it for me.” They asked, “Where did he go?” She said, “He went that way.” The children of the old woman went after the Holy Prophet. When they recognized him, they said, “Mother! This is the man you believe in and are eager to see.”
The old woman and her children ran after the Holy Prophet until they reached him and started kissing his hands. The old woman who was weeping said, “O Allah’s Messenger! I did not recognize you. Forgive me for being insolent to you. How can I apologize?” The Holy Prophet consoled her, prayed for her children and retuned them kindly.24
Never Annoy People
It is reported that one day, the Holy Prophet had fever and that day was the turn of being in Hafsah’s house. On that day, Aishah cooked barley soup for the Holy Prophet and a slave-girl took the pot to Hafsah’s house.
At the door, Hafsah said, “What is this?” The slave-girl said,“This is barley soup that Aishah has cooked for Allah’s Messenger.” Hafsah was very disturbed to hear this, saying, “Aishah has infringed my right. Can’t I cook barley soup? Is my love for the Holy Prophet any less than hers?” Then she took the pot from the slave-girl and threw it down so the pot broke and the barley soup spilled on the earth.
The Holy Prophet took a piece of the pot in which there was a little soup and ate it saying to the slave-girl, “If Aishah asks you whether the Prophet ate from it, say yes and do not tell her what you have seen or heard here so that there will be no cause of annoyance between them.”
It was after this event that the following verse was revealed,
And most surely you conform yourself to sublime morality. (68:4)
It is reported that when Mecca was conquered, Ikrimah, son of Abu-Jahl, escaped to Yemen. When he was informed that Allah’s Messenger would not blame anyone for his past faults and would not take him to task, he returned to Mecca and to the Sacred Mosque. Seeing him, the Holy Prophet rose up, spread his cloak for him and kissed him between the eyes. Ikrimah said, “I loved the Holy Prophet more than myself, my father, and my son.” Ikrimah became Muslim. He truly believed in Islam and was martyred in one of the battles.25
Asking For Fair Price
A Bedouin came to the Holy Prophet saying, “I have several camels for sale but I have no idea of their price in the market of Medina. I am afraid of being deceived by buyers. Would you come to the market with me giving your knowledge in this field?” The Holy Prophet said, “Bring the camels to me and present them one by one.” He did so and the Holy Prophet priced them each.
The Bedouin went to the market and sold the camels for the price the Holy Prophet had said. Coming back, he said, “You guided me and I made a huge profit. Now accept something from me and take of this money whatever you wish.” The Holy Prophet said, “I expect nothing.” The Bedouin said, “Accept a gift from me.” The Holy Prophet said, “I am not in need of anything.” The Bedouin insisted. The Holy Prophet said, “Now that you insist, bring me a female camel which gives milk provided that you have not separated it from her young.”26
Gathering Wood for Making Fire
The Holy Prophet and his companions were on a journey. When they alighted in a place, the Holy Prophet ordered them to slaughter a sheep. One of them said, “I will slaughter it.” The second said, “I will skin it.” The third said, “I will cook it.” The Holy Prophet said, “I will gather wood for making fire.” The companions said, “O Allah’s Messenger! Take no pains! We will gather wood for fire.” The Holy Prophet said, “I know you would; but Allah hates to see His servant enjoy a state of privilege among his friends and companions and distinguish between himself and the others.”27
A Gracious Generosity
It is reported that the Holy Prophet and Jabir ibn Abdullah were riding a camel belonging to the latter. Allah’s Messenger asked him to sell him the camel. Jabir said, “My father and mother are at your disposal! It is yours.” The Holy Prophet told Bilal to give the money to Jabir. Jabir said, “O Allah’s Messenger! To whom should I entrust the camel?” The Holy Prophet said,“May you enjoy the camel and its price and may Allah bless this transaction.”28
2. Al-Amali by Shaykh al-Saduq: 465, H. 6
3. Qurb al-Isnad: 44
4. Qurb al-Isnad: 69
5. Uyun Akhbar al-Ridha: 30/2, H. 36
6. Al-Amali by Shaykh al-Tusi: 393, H. 866
7. Al-Kafi: 312/5, H. 38
8. Ilal al-Shara’u: 187.
9. Al-Mahasin: 456/2, H. 386
10. Al-Mahasin: 457/2, H. 388
11. Tabaqat Ibn Sa’d; 4
12. Makarim al-Akhlaq: 17
13. Makarim al-Akhlaq: 19
14. Makarim al-Akhlaq: 21
15. Kitab Al-Zuhd: 34, H. 88
16. Al-Kafi: 225/4, H. 3
17. Nasikh al-Tawarikh: 584/2
18. Sharaf al-Nabi: 69
19. Nasikh al-Tawarikh: 234/3
20. Sharaf al-Nabi: 67
21. Daa’im al-Islam: 60/2, H. 162
22. Awali al-La’ali: 249/2, H. 20
23. Manhaj al-Sadiqin: 370/9
24. Manhaj al-Sadiqin: 370/9
25. Manhaj al-Sadiqin: 371/9
26. Sharaf al-Nabi: 75
27. Sharaf al-Nabi: 79
28. Sharaf al-Nabi: 68