The Universal Corruption of the New World Order of Lucifer (Satan) [Anti-Christ or Dajjal] is soon coming to an end

Manchester’s textile industry was outsourced to Faisalabad (Pakistan) and now the textile industries are outsourced from Faisalabad (Pakistan) to Dhaka (Banglaesh) where poor workers toil and work on low wages like slaves like they worked for the British East India Company colonialists in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Since 2008 economic meltdown in USA and Euro zone millions have lost jobs and houses in these countries. On September 15, 2008 the mega US bank Lehman Brothers was declared bankrupt and the global recession doubled national debt of USA.
The Universal Corruption of the big banking gangs (banksters)
Some economics professors like Prof. Michael Greenberger, Professor of economics at the University of Maryland calls the speculative activities of big banks in USA as the height of criminality. The big banks based at Wall Street in New York manipulate the prices of gold and silver in the world markets.
Prof. Joseph Eugene Stiglitz, an American economist and a professor at Columbia University and a recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2001 believes that capitalist economic system of liberal democracy have come to an end. He calls the free-market economists as the “free market fundamentalists” and in his latest book, “The Price of Inequality” published in 2012, he considers globalization and free-market economic system as mean to loot the wealth of the nations by the central banks with the help of some international institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.
18 central big banks based at Wall Street in New York cannot be prosecuted for their offences because they are simply too big and can bring collateral consequences for the governments if they are prosecuted for their offences. According to recent research report from 2009-2011 aggregated wealth of top bankers and the MNC in USA increased by 5.6 trillion dollars.
Credit default swaps and derivatives are exchanged by these banks in hundreds of trillion dollars. The Bank of International Settlements (BIS), Central Bank of Central Banks located in Basel, Switzerland where in 1897 the International Zionist Movement emerged. Central banks have now emerged as World Empire manipulating markets in the world. First International Zionist Congress was held in Basel, Switzerland in August 1897 headed by Theodor Herzl.
They want to turn Special Drawing Right (SDR) of the banks investing in IMF and World Bank into future global currency. The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) imposed EURO on Euro zone as Europe’s common currency and is promoting AMERO as the regional common currency of USA, Canada and Mexico.
Economic depression in southern Europe in PIGS countries (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain) is spreading to northern Europe like France, Germany. Unemployment in Spain is now more than 50 per cent. Austerity is killing people in US and Europe; HIV has increased in Greece by 200% since 2011, 5 million people in US lost health care. One million cases of depression and 10,000 suicide cases reported in USA since start of economic meltdown in USA in 2008. 3.2 million in France were unemployed by the end of June 2014. Goldman Sach bank in 2011 took Greece and Italy under their control for defaulting to this big bank and since 2011 the bankers of Goldman Sach bank are running the governments in Italy and Greece and plundering the wealth of these two countries only to get the interests given to these two countries by the Goldman Sach Bank.
US economy is addicted to reckless printing of worthless fiat currency of more than 1000 billion (One trillion) US dollar every year after start of economic meltdown in USA in 2008 to bail out the Too Big to Fail Central Banks based at Wall Street in New York which are the component and share-holders of US Federal Reserve, a cartel of private banks which have grabbed through constitutional right since 1913 to print US dollar and control financial system in USA. 97 per cent of shares of US Federal Reserve are owned by 14 Too Big To Fail private central banks.
Fiat currency is not backed by gold, silver and precious metals and is created out of nothing by the central banks. It is based on the people’s confidence with the government. Fiat currency does not have the intrinsic value and constantly leaks which creates inflation and takes away the purchasing power of the consumers. In 1971, US President Nixon declared that US is leaving the Breton Wood Accord of 1944 in which the US as the world’s reserve hard currency was duty bound to be backed by gold. Since 1971, the US dollar have turned to be fiat currency not backed by gold.
The printing of the more than 1000 billion (One trillion) worthless fiat US dollar every year after 2008 economic meltdown by Federal Reserve is termed as Quantitative Easing which have increased the prices of essential commodities world wide and increased the US national debt to 75 trillion US dollars which have to be paid by the taxes collected from the general public and high interest which have to be paid to the banks for the borrowed loans. US Federal Reserve since 2008 economic meltdown has printed eighteen times more US dollars by the Quantitative Easing to bail out the defaulting big central banks.
Too Big to Fail Central Banks based at Wall Street in New York which are the component and share-holders of US Federal Reserve are planning to demonetize the US dollar to escape the trap of 75 trillion national debt of US government and the 750 trillion dollars of fraudulent derivatives the central bankers of USA have created. Now they want to demonetize the US dollar and want to implement one world invisible, intangible, fiat electronic currency which they will control which will bring the whole world under the control of elites who are the owners of the Too Big to Fail Central Banks based at Wall Street in New York. By this satanic act whole world will be converted into an Open Air Prison or Financial Guantanamo Prison.
Interest bearing money loses the value of fiat currency which does not produce machines as real product but only meant to pay interests (Riba) on the loans borrowed from the big banks. People and government in USA and Euro zone have reached the maximum level of debt and the creation of the worthless fiat currency is only increasing the inflation and decreasing constantly the purchasing power of the general public.
80 per cent of population in Germany is paying 365 billion Euro per year to pay the interest (riba) and 80 per cent of the US population pay every year 1000 billion dollars to pay the interest (riba) to banks. Riba (interest) is the greatest enemy of humanity causing wars, poverty, death and destruction and is the root cause of all economic and political problems in the world. Ten times interest (riba) is paid to the big banks in developed countries by the developing and Third World countries than aid received from them every year.
Since start of the economic meltdown started in 2008 the countries in the Euro zone have paid 4.5 trillion Euro in taxes every year to the bankers to save their banks and the EURO from collapsing. Only in 2009, two trillion dollars was lent to the defaulting US banks by Federal Reserve. Since 2008, the US Federal Reserve gave 16 trillion dollars to defaulting US banks. In USA and Euro zone countries now people own nothing but are only paying interest (riba) to banks and everything is owned by the bankers. Bankers are now making laws in these countries to replace it by a single world currency and single world government controlled directly by the multi-national big banks.
All the leading economists in the world insist that no economy can recover through austerity measures imposed by the government. Austerity measures imposed by the governments are to cut people’s basic necessities in order to pay the interests (riba) on the loans which the government has borrowed from the banks. The economic meltdown in USA and Europe is making right wing fascist groups day by day more powerful and the enmity between France and Germany is also on rise.
Gun boat diplomacy of USA was implemented to get interest (riba) on their loans the countries borrowed from US big banks and were unable to pay the interest which gave the excuse to the US armed forces to invade Venezuela in 1902 and occupy Dominican Republic in 1905. Sovereignty and freedom of the nations is destroyed by bankers which is the requisite for the modern secular liberal capitalist democracy imposed on the world.
Goldman Sach bank in 2011 took Greece and Italy under their control for defaulting to this big bank and since 2011 the bankers of Goldman Sach bank are running the governments in Italy and Greece and plundering the wealth of these two countries only to get the interests given to these two countries by the Goldman Sach Bank. Previously as per the gunboat diplomacy the loaning banks used to order the armed forces of the imperialist countries to invade and occupy the defaulting countries which were unable to pay back the interest on the loans but as per the imposed New World Order (NWO) of IMF, World Bank and World Trade Organization (WTO) the officials from the Too Big To Fail central bankers, the hedge funds like George Soros and officials of IMF, World Bank, European Central Bank (ECB) and US Federal Reserve officially take control of the defaulting countries. Today the debtors in the world are living in open prisons of bankers.

In 1600 AD, money flowed from Amsterdam (Holland) into London’s stock market and the Dutch bankers funded the rise of British empire who eclipsed Holland’s colonialism in Africa, America and Asia. Since 1600 till today from London to New York the important banking families are the Jewish Zionist Rothschild, Warburg and Rockefeller families who have family alliances and relationship with each other. Money is disloyal and do not have any national identity and in liberal capitalism the nations are like mines which after their complete exploitation and squeezing are abandoned so now we see rusting and abandoning of the areas of USA, Britain and the Euro zone countries.
The banking families of the Jewish Zionist Rothschild, Warburg and Rockefeller financially supported both the warring sides in the decisive war of Waterloo in 1815 and the US War of Independence (1775–1783), and by this way they took complete control of USA and Europe after these two decisive wars. The banking families of the Jewish Zionist Rothschild, Warburg and Rockefeller who almost control the money in the world by their big central banks always stayed behind the scene but completely controlled media, political parties, election results in USA and Euro zone countries, world football and Olympics.
They print money from nothing and loan at interests to governments and now emerged as the banking gang (banksters) with absolute authority over the governments in USA and Euro zone countries. Since last four decades they masterminded and implemented the complete deregulation of markets and based the banking on fraudulent worthless credit cards. The governments are forced to bail out the banks which loan to the government which creates the national debts and budget deficits. Since 1945, the IMF and the World Bank have obtained interest ten times on the total loans given to the Third World’s poor countries with very harsh austerity measures conditions and by this way have brought in the “Globalization of Poverty”. The owners of the big banking gangs (banksters) have today emerged as the absolute new royal family with whole world under their dominion and suppression.
2008 economic meltdown in USA and Euro zone dismantled the sovereignty of nations with the imposition of severe and harsh austerity measures, the 11 September 2001 drama in USA abandoned and scrapped the civil liberties and international laws and the Patriotic Act was drafted well before 9/11 but implemented soon after 9/11.
Virtual money is invisible, intangible but it only impose private banking fractional loans and promote debt based economic system. Modern banking system based on interest is the privatization of profits by central banks and nationalization of losses by government and people. First it erodes national sovereignty and freedom to control the money supply of the nations.
By 1988, there were no derivatives market in the world but by 2002, 102 trillion dollars of derivatives market was created which have now ballooned to 750 trillion dollars that is eighteen times of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the entire world. Financial Metastasis at its worst operation since 2008 economic meltdown is to bail out of all mega banks, insurance companies and stock exchanges by the speculation markets.
The US Federal Reserve creates money like magicians out of nothing. World money today is officially plundered by so few mega-banksters. The fiat currency created out of nothing is the greatest scam of human history which have only enriched a few mega-banksters and have resulted in the universal poverty and loss of freedom and sovereignty of nations.
Congress and government needs money for deficit budget spending which is created out of nothing by the central banks and loaned to government on interest. In 1694, the Bank of England was created and was called as first central bank in the world with big private banks holding more than 93 per cent of its stocks. But in USA the big private central banks which created the Central Bank of USA but to deceive the public instead of calling it central bank named it as Federal Reserve owned by a cartel of big private banks by bringing an amendment to constitution of USA by an emergency session of the Congress on December 22 , 1913 during the Christmas holiday. The creation of US Federal Reserve is considered as the Greatest Deception in the history of USA and financial history of the world. From 1913 till today the US Congress brought about more than hundred amendments to strengthen the US Federal Reserve.
Interest rates are down in the Western banking system to entice people to borrow more money from banks. In the Western banking system if one mega bank defaults if interest on debts is not paid and if one mega bank falls then all the other mega banks crash instantly. So the Federal Reserve comes to the rescue of the defaulting mega bank by bailing it out by increasing the taxes from the general public. Thus, the wealth acquired by the big central banks out of thin air is to buy power to control the governments and all other organizations, politicians, political parties, TV cable networks, news agencies, mega publishing companies, film and entertainment industry, Church, trading and Multi National Companies.
Third World countries which have taken loans from IMF and World Bank on very harsh conditions and are even unable to pay the interest of their debts to these banks and now have fallen under the direct control of IMF and World Bank which are operated by the Too Big to Fail Central Banks and big banking gangs (banksters) based at Wall Street in New York.
US crusading spirit to implement US liberal democracy model which is funded by Too Big to Fail Central Banks and big banking gangs (banksters) who have already brought in regime change in over 60 countries and established US military bases in these countries. All the US governments which are the puppets of the Too Big to Fail Central Banks and big banking gangs (banksters) based at Wall Street in New York consider it as their legitimate right to interfere and carry espionage in all the countries of the world and rule the world on behalf of the mega banksters. Today USA has emerged as a “Satanic Military Empire” and has abandoned all international laws and trying to establish military and cultural hegemony in the world. US calls those countries opposed to the hegemonic policies of US Satanic Military Empire as anti-democratic and rogue states and it looks for pretext to invade and wage wars. But US armed forces are very timid and invades only weak nations and do not dare to attack those countries who can defend themselves. US Satanic Military Empire now spends more than half of world arm race expenditure.
Today the US Satanic Military Empire is not the sole super power in the world and the anti-US and the anti-Zionist world public opinion has also emerged as new super power opposing the hegemony of the US Satanic Military Empire and the International Zionist Movement. Famous US scholar Professor Noam Chomsky states: “USA is now ruled by Mafia Dons but world public opinion now is not fearful of USA. The day is near the people will hang and kill the US president and all the owners of the mega banks based in the Wall Street in New York as the Italian fascist dictator Mussolini was hanged in Rome”.
China by accumulating gold is trying make Yuan as the new world reserve currency and is conducting its currency swap with Brazil, Iran, France, Australia , Malaysia and BRICS member countries. US dollar is now being termed as the “Toilet Paper Currency” because the toilet papers are inherently have more intrinsic value than the fraudulent and worthless fiat US dollar.
US military industrial complex is financed by US Federal Reserve and is backed by the petro-dollars because crude oil which is called as the black gold is allowed to be sold only in US dollars instead of gold. US as the world largest consumer consumes the toil of the world by paying the US dollar whose worth now is lesser than the toilet papers.
Mass media controlled by the mega banks that are the share holders of Bank of England in London and Federal Reserve in Washington have created a smokescreen to cover up the truth.

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