I have explained the Islamic view that history cannot end before the Zionist Jews receive their final punishment. Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) has provided crucially important information on the subject, to wit: that a Muslim army would conquer Jerusalem, destroy the impostor State of Israel and punish the Zionist Jews. That Jewish return to Palestine would signify that their final divine punishment had commenced.
Our view is that the above prophecy of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) is already being fulfilled today in the Palestinian intifada. Perhaps for the first time in history a war is being fought with ‘stones’. The Palestinian Muslim intifada (uprising) continues to deliver its response to Zionist oppression with ‘stones’
After the death of Solomon (‘alaihi al-Salam) the Jews corrupted the Torah by rewriting it several times in several different versions. The Harvard-trained American Biblical scholar, Richard Friedman, has conclusively demonstrated this in his very important work entitled: “Who Wrote the Bible?” (New York: Harper and Row, 1989).
Jews removed all references in the Torah to the Ka’aba or Masjid al-Haraam built by Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam) and Ishmael (‘alaihi al-Salam) in Makkah Mukarramah. The Ka’aba and the Hajj are no longer to be found in the Torah. They also substituted all references to Ishmael (‘alaihi al-Salam) as the son of the sacrifice with the name of his brother Isaac (‘alaihi al-Salam), even though Isaac (‘alaihi al-Salam) was not even born when the trial of the sacrifice took place.
Jews demonized Ishmael (‘alaihi al-Salam) in the Torah and falsely claimed to be the ‘chosen people’ of God. Most dangerous of all, however, was their corruption and willful distortion of the divine prohibition against Riba. They rewrote the Torah to make it permissible for money to be lent on interest.
The secular Zionist State, like all secular states, is an abomination since it is founded on the foundations of Shirk! The most basic characteristic of the religion of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam) is that it is free from Shirk. Secular Zionist State cannot survive in the Holy Land of Palestine and it will be destroyed. Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) has explained that a Muslim army that would emerge from Khurasan would destroy the Zionist State of Israel. That Muslim army would emerge after Imam al-Mahdi (A.S.) reappears and with him the Islamic rule is established in the world.
Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salam), for example, went into Masjid al-Aqsa and found them engaged in Riba. He cursed them, turned over their tables, chased them out of the temple (Masjid) and declared: “You have taken the house of Allah and transformed it into a den of thieves.” Thus it was because the Prophets of Allah exposed their wickedness of consuming Riba, among other crimes, that they killed them (except for Jesus, whom Allah saved miraculously). Allah Most High responded to this wickedness by sending a Roman army that destroyed the Jewish State in Palestine for a second time. It will be destroyed for a last time by a Muslim army led by Imam al-Mahdi (A.S).
This is because Zionist Jews have now been brought back to Palestine to face the consequences of many evil deeds of theirs, including the evil that they now commit. Never again would they ever qualify for inheriting the Holy Land of Palestine. Instead it is Muslims who have now been bestowed that inheritance:
“It is He Who has made you (the Muslims) inheritors of the (Holy) Land: He has raised some of you by degrees above others that He might test you through that which He bestowed upon you (Banu Israil got more than any other people): for thy Lord is swift in punishment: yet He is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
(The Holy Qur’an, al-An’am, 6:165)
It follows quite logically that Muslims cannot reside in territories where the war against Islam and support for Zionist reime are most pronounced. Such would be USA, Britain, etc. Muslims must migrate from such territories and go to reside in places where they can better preserve their faith and support the struggle for the liberation of the Holy Land of Palestine from the Zionist occupation.
The cause of this global economic oppression
What is the cause of this global economic oppression? It is Riba! A predatory global elite centered in the Zionist-controlled banking centers in the West, but also present around the world, is constantly sucking the wealth and the blood of mankind and impoverishing the laboring masses through Riba. The oppressor creates political, legislative, judicial and legal systems, the media etc., with consummate deception, and he ensures that they all fulfill the basic function of preserving the system of economic oppression. The film industry, television, the internet, modern music, designer clothing, etc., are used to transport the masses to fantasy-land so that they remain in a state of blissful ignorance while Riba is used to control and enslave them.
The Noble Qur’an not only explains the world today, but also explains its economic oppression. The Holy Qur’an, which is a book of ‘wisdom’ (and this includes economic wisdom), has established rules ensuring that wealth does not circulate only amongst the wealthy. Allah has permitted business and forbidden Riba.
“What Allah has bestowed on His Messenger (and taken away) from the people of the townships, belongs to Allah, to His Messenger and to kindred and orphans, the needy and the wayfarer; in order that it (i.e., wealth) may not (only) circulate amongst the wealthy among you. So take what the Messenger assigns to you, and deny yourselves that which he withholds from you. And fear Allah; for Allah is strict in punishment.”
(The Holy Qur’an, al-Hashr, 59:7)
A basic characteristic of the economy around the world today is that wealth no longer circulates throughout the economy. Rather wealth now circulates only amongst the wealthy. In consequence around the world the rich are now permanently rich and the poor are imprisoned in permanent poverty. Secondly, the rich keep on growing richer as they literally suck the blood of the masses, while the poor descend into such destitution as brings in its wake anarchy, violence, immense suffering and the destruction of faith and values. Imagine all of mankind to be aboard a ship. A small minority who are permanently rich and who are constantly growing richer, are traveling ‘first class’ in unprecedented luxury and security. They have permanent ‘first class’ tickets. The rich rule the ship. They use their wealth to control politics.
Democracy on board that ship becomes the rule of the rich and for the rich in what amounts to financial prostitution. But the rich do not themselves, directly rule. Rather they do it by proxy and deception in the form of support that they extend to popular politicians and political parties over whom they then exercise invisible control. That is a true description of the political economy of the world today. And it is the European Ashkenazi Jews in Britain and USA who have perfected this method of gaining power and control over the people. To his credit Henry Ford was able to recognize this sinister development in human history.
Most of the rest of mankind are imprisoned in permanent poverty and are condemned to travel below the deck down in the hold of the ship in ever-increasing squalor, poverty, destitution, misery and suffering. They are condemned to work for slave wages so that others may live off their sweat. They also live in ever-increasing insecurity with constant burglaries, violence, shootings, killings and rape of women in neighborhoods infested with drugs and drug dealers.
Those traveling ‘first class’ have access to clean drinking water and to the best medical health services that money can buy. Those below deck, down in the hold, are forced to drink polluted water full of bacteria. They are forced to eat food and drink milk laced with chemicals and hormones. Increasingly they must also eat genetically altered food. They fall ill but cannot afford the cost of medical treatment. They live miserable lives and die miserable deaths. In fact the world economy is a new sophisticated form of economic slavery. But it operates by way of awesome deception.
First of all, although those who control the economy around the world preach a gospel of the ‘free and fair market’, they themselves violate the ‘free market’ by imposing legal obligations on people to accept the use of fraudulent artificial paper money as legal tender. And paper money constantly loses value! As poverty increases and deepens they impose price controls on basic necessities such as food etc., and minimum wage legislation upon the labor market. They do so in order to avert the possibility that the hungry suffering masses would rise up in rebellion against the government and the predatory elite. They also do so in order to avert the possibility that the masses would recognize their new slavery.
“In consequence of the wickedness and injustice of the Jews We made unlawful for them certain (foods), good and wholesome, which had been lawful for them. (We have also done so because) they obstructed so many from Allah’s way, and (because) they took usury (Riba) though they were forbidden to do so, and (in doing so) they wrongfully took the wealth of others. (Because of these evil deeds) We have prepared for those among them who reject Faith a terrible punishment.”
(The Holy Qur’an, al-Nisa, 4:160-1)
Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) gave to the world an economic order that was free from economic injustice and oppression. No one worked for slave wages.Wealth did not circulate only amongst the wealthy but, rather, throughout the economy. The rich were not permanently rich and the poor were not permanently poor.
The market was a free and a fair market. No one could ‘reap’ without ‘planting’. Money had intrinsic value and so it could not be manipulated by banks and by a predatory elite to reduce its value. In consequence, such a market and economy never experienced ‘inflation’. No prices were fixed, including the price of labor. Social welfare was achieved in the form of a compulsory tax on wealth that was used to provide for those who did not possess the basic necessities of life. But the value system of the society ensured that the effort would be made, by those who were capable of such effort, to extricate themselves from having to live off that charity.