During the era of Crusades in Europe which was started by Occult Pagan forces controlling Europe to combat the influence and spread of Islam in Europe, Pope at Vatican was given the absolute supreme powers to declare Europe as Christendom and also commence the Crusades against Islam and Muslims by the Christians whose fundamental ideological principles like trinity was based on the Occult Pagan teachings of Zionist Paul (Shaul) who founded Christianity solely basing it on the Occult Pagan teachings prevalent in Europe in Dark Ages.
After the completion of Crusades against Islam and Muslims and destruction of Muslim rule in Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) in Fifteenth century the Occult Pagan forces controlling Europe replaced Despotic Catholic Church Theocracy with Deism. The Jewish money lenders on interest and usury were the most hated people in Europe and rest of the world in the medieval period. The Jewish money lenders created banks on the principle of fractional reserve banking based on giving loans on usury. The Jewish money lenders who established banks in Florence, Venice and Rome in Italy based on usury took complete control of Vatican Church.
In the “Era of Deism” in Europe, the Europeans under mind-control program of the Occult Pagan forces controlling Europe were propagated to belief in God based only on proofs of reason and nature and by absolutely denying the metaphysical aspects of religion. As per the belief of deism, God created the universe and have abandoned it after creating it in which God plays no role in the fate of humanity.
Later on the Occult Pagan forces controlling Europe replaced Deism with Positivism and Empiricism and named it Humanism, Secularism and Liberalism. By blindly following the path of Humanism, Secularism and Liberalism, the Europeans entered the era of Egoism and Narcissism in the twentieth century which resulted into Two World Wars in the last century.
In the New World Order imposed by the Occult Pagan forces on the world by the end of the twentieth century the human being have been degenerated into an Ego-Centric being. The Ego-Centric human beings who are devoid of all the spiritual and ethical values have been enslaved to embrace Satanism with the start of the twenty-first century. Thus, the humanity in the name of New World Order and Western Civilization are forced to revert back to Satanism which was the original ideology of the Occult Pagan Europe based on magic and witchcraft.
“Financial Guantanamo Prison”
The super-rich elite class who are the owners of the “Too Big To Fail International Central Banks” and “Multi-national Companies” are gradually decimating the majority of the world population by universalizing sexual promiscuity and sodomy and feeding the world with toxic re-engineered genetically modified food and poisonous medicines, genetic control, medical testing on human beings, depopulation of the world, creating artificial food shortages, ecological disaster, planned financial meltdown to turn this whole world into Guantanamo Prison, the bubble economy introduced by Reagan in 1980’s by eliminating all regulations from markets got burst in 2006 and all the “Too Big To Fail International Central Banks” which became bankrupt by the bursting of the bubble economy were bailed out by taxes of the people. Today the international financial system is suffering from chronic permeate Fiscal Cancer with no cure.
In this planned financial meltdown the super-rich elite class will in the near future will demonetize the fraud, bogus and worthless US dollar and replace it with unseen, intangible, fraud, bogus and worthless “Digital Electronic Fiat Money” as the new international hard fiat currency. This move of super-rich elite class will turn the whole world into “Financial Guantanamo Prison” and whole humanity will become the slaves of the super-rich elite class. At present digital and electronic money have taken complete control in all the macro-transactions and at present fiat paper currency is only used in the micro-transactions.
The Too Big To Fail Super-Rich Class of Crony Plutocrats and Crony Capitalists
At present 0.1 per cent of the US population owns 8 per cent of the total wealth of the nation and one per cent of US population owns 99 per cent of the total wealth of the nation. By the end of 1980’s the level to come under the list of the richest people in ‘Forbes’ journal, the figure of wealth amassed by a rich person was only one billion dollar but by the end of 2010 this figure of wealth amassed by a person to be called rich by ‘Forbes’ journal has increased by 1700 times and have reached astronomical figure of 1.7 trillion dollars.
With the completion of globalization (globalization means transforming all of mankind into one godless secular global society) of internet and mobile devices and systems the world is now ruled by the Global Plutocrats. Lowering the rate of taxes for the rich elites, complete deregulation of the economy, financial market and complete privatization of the public and national assets to rich elite class there have emerged as a new super-rich elite aristocratic class. Capitalism have given its place to Crony capitalism where in only the Too Big To Fail super-rich elite class have amassed 99 per cent of the wealth and the Global Plutocrats have now been transformed into Crony Plutocrats.
The internet and mobile devices are controlled by this Crony Plutocrats and Crony Capitalists. With mass-media, internet and mobile devices under their control they have forced the 99 per cent of the world population to surrender before the Too Big To Fail super-rich class of Crony Plutocrats and Crony Capitalists. The Too Big To Fail super-rich class of Crony Plutocrats and Crony Capitalists only comprise 0.001 per cent of the world population but control and own 30 per cent of the world’s wealth and 0.1 per cent of the world population own and control 81 per cent of the world’s wealth.
In 2013, in USA the richest paid less taxes, the one per cent rich population in USA paid only 20 per cent of taxes but owned 99 per cent of the national wealth but the 99 per cent the population in USA possessing only one per cent of the national wealth were manipulated and forced to pay 80 per cent of the taxes. This phenomenon in USA is named as “Wall Street Greed”. In the present international monetary system which is solely based on usury, the rich elite class remain permanently rich and become further richer by eliminating the middle class and the poor remain permanently poor because in this financial system of deception, the wealth moves away from the poor and middle class and gets accumulated in the clutches of the super rich elites.
The interest and usury paid on bank loans is the greatest enemy of humanity, causing wars, poverty, death and destruction and is also the root cause of all economic and political problems in the world. Now 99 per cent of the people in West own nothing but are paying usury and interest to banks and everything in West is today owned by the big banks. The banks by controlling the parliaments of Euro zone and North America are making laws in their interest and even the managers of the Too Big To Fail Central Banks have been imposed as the rulers of many countries in Euro zone like Italy and Greece.
Nations ruled by crony capitalists are like mines which after complete exploitation and squeezing are abandoned by its owners, so now we see rusting and abandoned industrial cities in USA, Britain and various areas of Euro zone. The money produced out of nothing by way of gaining interest on bank loans is very disloyal and anti-nationalist and is very mobile. It started its transfer journey from Florence (Italy) to Amsterdam (Holland) and from there fled to London (England) and moved to New York (USA) and now have been outsourced to China.
The whole sale blanket surveillance of the population of the entire planet
With technological tools also under the control of Too Big To Fail Central Banks they have diverted all their resources to the Information Technology (IT) sector and with the globalization of the Information Technology under their complete control they have successfully gathered the information of all the human beings living on this planet. The intelligence agencies funded by Too Big To Fail super-rich class of Crony Plutocrats and Crony Capitalists are carrying out large-scale tracking of all the individuals in the world with the help of Western intelligence agencies.
The largest center for computing and data storing in the world today is functioning in Utah in USA covering an area of 140,000 square kilometers. This grand center can store the data of all the human beings living on this planet for many decades. Thus, at present the US intelligence agencies under the umbrella of US National Security agency (NSA) are now responsible for the whole sale blanket surveillance of the population of the entire planet. Most of the computer software programs are produced in USA and almost all the Internet Service Provider (ISP) companies are also based in USA, which provide and give access of their stored information to the US intelligence agencies. The elite hacker units of the US intelligence agencies are responsible for carrying out the whole sale blanket surveillance of the population of the entire planet.
Credit cards, internet, E-commerce, world wide electronic IDs and the centers for large-scale tracking of all the individuals in the world are owned by the international central banks owned by 13 Zionist aristocratic families with their headquarters based in Wall Street in New York. The super-rich elite class who are the owners of the “Too Big To Fail International Central Banks” and “Multi-national Companies” are gradually decimating the majority of the world population by universalizing sexual promiscuity and homosexuality and feeding the world with toxic genetically modified food and poisonous medicines, universal drinking of alcohol, drug addiction, universal prevalence of adultery, marriage propagated as an institution opposed to the secular values and norms of Western civilization, universal prevalence of sodomy and lesbianism, creating artificial food shortages, ecological disaster, planned financial meltdown to turn this whole world into Guantanamo Prison.
The US dollar is now in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and is clinically dead
The modern banks with help of fractional reserve banking are manufacturing money out of nothing only by lending money on usury. There is a proverb “Give a man a gun, he can rob a bank and give a man a bank then he can rob the world” In this planned financial meltdown money have lost its store value and is leaking profusely and the countdown of fall and end of US dollar have began since 1971. The US dollar since 2006 is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and is clinically dead and its death by euthanasia or demonetization will be announced very soon in the near future by the Too Big To Fail Central Banks. Very soon US dollar, the present international hard fiat currency’s store value will become zero in the nearest future and the super-rich elite class will demonetize the fraud, bogus and worthless US dollar and replace it with unseen, intangible, fraud, bogus and worthless “Digital Electronic Fiat Money” as the new international hard fiat currency.
This move of super-rich elite class with the successful “Rip Off” of the wealth of the world in their favour will turn the whole world into “Financial Guantanamo Prison” and whole humanity will become the slaves of the super-rich elite class. At present digital and electronic money have taken complete control in all the macro-transactions and at present fiat paper currency is only used in the micro-transactions. The electronic accounts can be easily erased by “Too Big To Fail International Central Banks” in electricity break outs.
Money in the global financial market only works for the greed and deception of Crony capitalism and is sweetly coated in the name of globalization and they with the control of money wage financial wars by imposing illegal economic sanctions against those countries not subdued till now as their slaves, destroying nation’s sovereignty in the name of globalization, universalizing AIDS and creating new diseases by the research carried out by the pharmaceutical-industrial complex in the Western world since last one hundred years was only to create maximum profits and not to conquer and heal diseases.
Moral corruption and contagion in the Western societies
Today a youth in the USA and Western world till reaches the age of 21 years plays at least 10,000 video games in isolation and every week views 50-100 pornographic films. In USA, every year more than 11,000 pornographic films are produced and the annual income for USA from porn film industry exceeds 15 billion dollars.
Professor Alfred Kinsey (1894-1956) founder of “Institute of Sex” at Indiana University, USA was completely funded by the Zionist Rockefeller Foundation. Institute of Sex at Indiana University is now renamed as Kinsey Institute. Professor Alfred Kinsey in his works gave justification to pornography, homosexuality, and incest and child sex in Western Civilization. Professor Kinsey who was fully supported by Zionist bankers used to sexually abuse children for his scientific investigations. Professor Alfred Kinsey is notorious as “Mad Scientist” who unleashed a plague of moral corruption and contagion in the Western societies by destroying the family values.
After the end of the Second World War in 1945, modern technology innovations could not solve any of the big problems faced by the humanity instead the modern technology developed only the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), computer software, internet and mobile devices which are also under the complete monopoly and domination of the Too Big To Fail super-rich class of Crony Plutocrats and Crony Capitalists. With the whole sale blanket surveillance of the population of the entire planet by the US intelligence agencies, the world today had totally lost the privacy. The US search engines today know more about a person than his family knows about him or her. With the globalization of the internet and mobile devices and systems which are made and developed in USA now the whole world had turned into a colony of USA and have come under the whole sale blanket surveillance of the US intelligence agencies.
Universal corruption, disorder and disintegration
Arnold Toynbee, the famous British historian wrote in 1930 in his famous book named “Civilization on Trial” in which he explains the strategy of the rich elites of the Western Civilization to take control of the entire world and to establish a single world government by crushing the national sovereignties.
Too Big To Fail super-rich class of Crony Plutocrats and Crony Capitalists are perpetrating all kinds of universal corruption, disorder and disintegration in the world like global usury based economy, bogus and fraudulent international monetary system where the US dollar which is more worthless than the Toilet Paper is imposed as the international hard currency, creating wealth out of nothing by deceptive speculative practices, bogus digital and electronic money controlled by “Too Big To Fail International Central Banks”, by controlling money they are controlling the world, in the name of feminism and sexual revolution where sex is available like sunshine they have destroyed the family values, with mass media under their control they are manipulating world public opinion by mind-control propaganda tactics and brainwashing. They have legalized theft at international level by creating false inflation to rob the poor and middle-class people of their hard earned income; they have enslaved humanity by imposing the international banking system based on usury and interest.
The godless secularist claim that the present godless secular New World Order cannot be challenged but the founders of this present godless secular New World Order regularly change and reinvent themselves to keep the world under their domination, savagery and slavery. The godless secularists have heart of beasts with not even a grain of mustard seed of either Jewish faith or Christian faith in them. Zionists are planning great wars because of their irrational Messianic obsession which is the main fundamental of the Zionist ideology and they are bent upon fulfilling their dispensations and prophecies even at the cost of the destruction of the world. They with their satanic propaganda are labeling the entire anti- Zionist as racial, reactionary, anti-Semitic and conspiracy theorists.
They are committing all forms of terrorism like economic terrorism, military terrorism, sexual terrorism, cultural terrorism, destroying the privacy of the individuals by carrying out whole sale blanket surveillance of the population of the entire planet. Zionists are the dangerous international terrorists, rogues, outlaws and criminals but by their Satanic propaganda paint Islam as terrorism. Mysterious alliance has taken place between the Judaic Zionists (Gog-Yajuj) and Zionist Christians (Majuj-Magog) only to vilify and slander Islam and the Holy Quran.

“Moral World Order”
But the Zionist Satanic super-rich elite class knows very well that the universe was created by Allah Almighty and Allah Almighty controls the universe and the fate of humanity. Allah Almighty will foil all the evil plots of the Zionist Satanic super-rich elite class by helping the Oppressed (Mustazafeen) in the world with the Advent and Reappearance of the Awaited Savior of Humanity Imam Mahdi (May Allah Almighty Hasten His Reappearance) who will also be assisted by Jesus Christ (A.S.), the Great Prophet of Allah Almighty.
In this Darkest Age for mankind the backbone of Muslims in the world should be made of steel and not made of recycled paper so that they can face all the challenges of this darkest age. Among the Muslims those who are brain washed and manipulated by the godless secular Western civilization and who call themselves as modernists and liberals act like sponges that readily soak up all that they receive at the altar of the West. They should know that the very foundations of the Western Civilization are the anti-thesis of Islam. The Muslims in the world always should hope for the best but must always be ready to face the worst challenges posed by the enemies of humanity and mankind.
The Holy Qur’an, the Final Testament of God Almighty in the most explicit way in the form of general glad tidings, and in numerous verses the Holy Qur’an has mentioned that the outcome that is derived from the holy being of Imam Mahdi (May Allah Almighty Hasten His Reappearance) is something that is definitely going to take place in the near future, InshaAllah.
“Indeed My righteous servants shall inherit the earth.”(The Holy Qur’an, Surat al-Anbiya’ 22:105)
“He it is Who sent His Apostle (SAWA) with the guidance and the true religion, that He may make it overcome the religions, all of them, though the polytheists may be averse”. (The Holy Qur’an, Surat as-Saff; 61:9)
“He it is Who sent His Apostle (SAWA) with the guidance and the true religion, that He may make it prevail over all the religions, and Allah is enough for a witness”. (The Holy Qur’an, Surat al-Fath, 48: 28)