Wisdom in the actions of the Holy Prophet (S)

On the other hand, the Holy Prophet (S) never stopped worshipping God and he strengthened his relationship with God on a daily basis. In the middle of wars, when he was engaged in organizing and encouraging his army, when he himself was leading his army in a determined way or when he was teaching his soldiers what to do, he would kneel down in supplication, he would raise his hands and he would start to cry and speak to God.
He said, “Dear God, help us. Dear God, support us. Dear God, You Yourself defeat Your enemies.” His praying did not make him stop being active. And his activities did not make him stop praying and they did not prevent him from preserving his relationship with God. He paid attention to both issues. He never showed fear and he never hesitated in the face of a hostile enemy. The Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) who is the embodiment of courage says that whenever they were faced with difficult conditions during different wars, they would go to the Holy Prophet (S). Whenever, somebody felt weak in difficult situations, he would go to the Holy Prophet (S). He led Muslims for ten years. But if we had a group of active people do the things that he did during those ten years, they would not be able to do all the things that he did even if they were given 100 years.
If we compare our work with the things that the Holy Prophet (S) did, then we realize what he has achieved. Managing that government, creating such a society and being such a role model for others are among the miracles the Holy Prophet (S) performed. The people lived with him day and night. They used to go to his house and he used to go to their houses. They went to mosque together. They used to travel together. They used to go to sleep in one place. They starved together and they rejoiced together.
The life of the Holy Prophet (S) also involved rejoicing and being happy. He would make jokes with the people. He organized certain competitions and he himself took part in them. The love of the people who lived with the Holy Prophet (S) for ten years for him and their belief in him became deeper on a daily basis. During the conquest of Mecca, when Abu Sufyan came to the camp of the Holy Prophet (S) with the support of Abbas, the Holy Prophet’s (S) uncle, so that he could ask for his mercy, he saw that the Holy Prophet (S) was performing Wudu. He saw that the people had gathered around the Holy Prophet (S) to snatch the drops of water that was trickling down his face and hands.
Abu Sufyan said, “I have seen Khosrau [king of Persia] and Caesar these powerful and great kings in the world but I did not see such greatness in them.” Spiritual greatness is the true greatness.
“Honor belongs to Allah and His Messenger, and to the Believers.” 5
If believers follow the same path, they will enjoy such greatness too. On such a day on the 28th of Safar this heavenly light, this noble person and this kind father passed away, which made everybody sad and mournful. The day when the Holy Prophet (S) passed away and the days before that when the Holy Prophet (S) was sick were difficult days for the people of Medina, particularly because of the things that had happened earlier.
The Holy Prophet (S) came to the mosque and he sat on the Minbar. Then he said, “If I owe anybody anything, they can come forward and get it from me.” The people started to cry and they said, “O Messenger of Allah, is it possible for you to owe us something?” He said, “Being ashamed before God is more difficult than being ashamed before you. If I owe you anything, you should come and get it from me so that it will not be delayed until Judgment Day.” Notice how he behaved. Notice who said these things.
The kind of person whom Gabriel felt honored to speak to say these things. And he was not joking. He was serious because he might have violated somebody’s right unknowingly.
The Holy Prophet (S) repeated this two or three times. Of course, there are many narrations in history books regarding this event and I do not know which is reliable and to what extent they can be trusted. But the one which is often cited is this: somebody stood up and said, “O Messenger of Allah, you owe me something. Once you were going past me while you were riding a camel. I was riding a camel too.
My camel came near yours and you forced it to go with a stick. But the stick hit my stomach and you owe me an apology.” The Holy Prophet (S) pulled his shirt up and he told him, “Right now you should do Qisas and you should not let it be delayed until Judgment Day.” The people were astonished and they said, “Does this man really want to do Qisas? Is he that cruel to do that?” They saw that the Holy Prophet (S) sent somebody to his house to bring the same stick. Then he said, “Come and hit my stomach with the same stick.”
That man came forward. The people looked astonished and embarrassed, thinking that the man might try to do that. But they saw that he knelt at the Holy Prophet’s (S) feet and he started to kiss his stomach. The man said, “O Messenger of Allah, I will save myself from hell fire by touching your stomach.”
Dear God, by the blessedness of Muhammad (S) and his household and out of Your generosity, bestow Your best blessings and greetings on the immaculate soul of our Holy Prophet (S). Bestow on him all the blessings because of what he did for Islam, Muslims and the entire humanity. Make us a member of his Ummah. Make us follow the right path that he followed. Make our society become like his society. Bestow on all of us the determination to follow him. 6
The Importance and effects of the Holy Prophet’s (S) birth
Definitely, the day when the Holy Prophet (S) was born and divine light enlightened the world, should be considered the beginning of a new epoch for humanity. As the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) said, “The world was devoid of brightness, and full of open deceitfulness.” 7
The Holy Prophet’s (S) light revealed the signs of divine rule and the reasons behind the presence of divine proofs among the people. The astonishing things that happened at the time of the Holy Prophet’s (S) birth are in fact a warning to humanity. For example, that battlements of the Persian king’s castle collapsed or that the fire in certain fire temples went out, had a symbolic meaning as well. The symbolic meaning of those events is that after the birth of the Holy Prophet (S), a path would be opened up in front of humanity and human beings would be saved from the darkness of illusions and oppressive systems.
Choosing this path and following it vigorously or avoiding it and depriving oneself of the blessings, are matters that depend on the willpower and determination of those who make these decisions. It is human beings themselves who choose their destiny and their future, but this path has been opened up in front of them. Moreover, Allah the Exalted has ordained that the general movement of humanity will be towards these noble goals. Divine laws of nature have left human communities with no choice but to move towards these goals, and this has been proven by all historical events. Scientific progress of human communities and the growth of collective human knowledge are in line with the teachings of the Holy Prophet of Islam (S) and with the final goals of this path. And today human beings feel the need for the teachings of the Holy Prophet (S) more than ever before. 8
• 1.Sura al-Fath, Ayah 1
• 2.Sura al-Anfal, Ayah 49
• 3.Sura ar-Room, Ayah 10
• 4.Sura at-Taubah, Ayah 77
• 5.Sura al-Munafiqoon, Ayah 8
• 6.Supreme Leader’s Friday prayer sermons delivered on May 18, 2001
• 7.Nahjul Balaghah, Sermon 89
• 8.Supreme Leader’s speech delivered on June 10, 2001 in a meeting with government officials of the Islamic Republic on the occasion of birthday anniversaries of the Holy Prophet (S) and Imam Sadiq (a.s.)

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