Jamalud Din Afghani, Muhammad Abduh, Muhammad Rashid Raza and the founder of Ikhwanul-Muslimoon, Shaykh Hasan-al-Banna Shaheed, Imam Musa Sadr in Lebanon, Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Baquir al-Sadr Shaheed in Iraq, led and promoted the revival movement in Arabic World. In Turkey, in the depressed secular state, Saeed Nursi, Adnan Mandres and Najmud Din Arbakan have kept alive the Islamic movement. In Iran, the religious and popular movement of Imam Khomeini(R.A.) has started a new era for the Islamic world.
Future Perspective
The Muslim Ummah entered into the 21st century. Now, when we review the past 100 years’ political conditions of Muslims, we find signs of hope since revival and the struggle of the Muslim Ummah has set in all spheres of life. This resurgence has no other explanation but what the Holy Qur’an Says: “and (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah.” (Al-i Imran-3:54).
The colonial powers had planned to make Muslim Ummah ineffective forever. But history stands witness that if Muslims retreated at a front they demonstrated strength at another.
This important feature of Muslim history has disrupted in the recent past. But just as a day follows the night, the Muslim Ummah during the past five decades have, to a large extent, overcome the miserable conditions of the past and started reform at world level.
The Conflict with Modern Jahiliyah or the Secular New World Order of Dajjal
Essence of Islamic movement and the general revival of Islam at world level are the real forces which are shaping the future of Muslim Ummah. This is an era of conflict as a result of which a new epoch is emerging. But, certainly the Islamic movements are going to succeed in the future unlike the remains of colonialism which do not possess spark to revive. The Western nations and their friends consider Islam a danger primarily for this trait.
Muslim Ummah has no territorial conflict with the West rather it seeks its inherent right to develop individual and social life in accordance with its own set of religious doctrine, culture and history where family is central to real target for bringing change. But, this change is presented as a threat to the West.
Modern Jahiliyah or the Secular New World Order of Dajjal which is leading mankind far away from Truth and Justice. This has, in effect, robbed peace from the surface of the earth. Man has downgraded himself from the position of his Creator’s vicegerency to a status which is unworthy of human dignity. Humanity is suffering from an unparalleled identity crisis.
However, like all the empires of the past, the West has invented its own monster, the adulation of extreme materialism. The melting pot is becoming too hot to maintain one’s exclusive characteristics.
The proliferation of consumer culture and entertainment industry is eating away the spirit of innocence from the younger people. The display of erotic adverts in public places and the mass circulation of pornographic tabloids are inviting people towards promiscuity. Radical feminism, modeling, glorification of extra-marital sex and homosexuality have become the tools of Modern Jahiliyah or the Secular New World Order of Dajjal. The effect is the erosion of morality, the disintegration of family structure, child abuse and other social ills.
The reason behind this expertly crafted notion is West’s inability to guide humanity in the right direction; its lack of knowledge and bigotry towards Islam. The experiment of secular culture has failed. Despite West’s total command over the world for about 500 years it could not establish an equitable and just system. There has certainly been a tremendous industrial growth and increase in wealth in the West but it was unable to provide welfare, justice and peace to mankind. Even now 1/4th of the world population is without basic food. The West possesses in itself the poverty problematic 14-15 per cent population. On average the unemployment is above 10 per cent.
Despite spectacular achievements in the medical science, humanity confronts new and complex diseases. Western family structure has totally collapsed. The number of single-parent children (born without formal marriages) has exceeded above legal children. The number of single family parent has reached 40 per cent and 30 per cent in USA and Europe, respectively. The rise in crime has seized the freedom of society and the younger generation is in particular morally corrupt. Material growth cradles mental-sickness and suicide which is on the rise. The historians hypothesize with fear that a civilization born of material growth is not conducive for human beings. Famous Islamic thinker and poet Allamah Iqbal says: “In spite of significant findings about Universe and control over nature through scientific development, the West could not eradicate the evils plaguing humanity.”
In fact it is the weakness of the West which is making it fearful of the potential strength of Islam, otherwise, Muslims militarily, politically or economically pose no threat to it. The real conflict lies in ideology and moral values. This is an area where West is like a spent force with no new system or message for the humanity at hand.
It is here that Islam has the potential to bring the humanity light and fresh thinking. Islam has a message for humanity; a live message for their present living, a promise for attractive destiny and a glorious future. The spread of this message had neither been due to violent force in the past nor it needs such force today. In fact it is filling the gap where humanity is trapped by Modern Jahiliyah or the Secular New World Order of Dajjal. This is the real danger for the humanity and Islam makes no distinction between East and the West.
Under the conditions explained above, it is quite obvious that Islam is the only constructive force for the future. Indeed much has yet to be done. It has to strengthen its moral values, gain intellectual creditability in order to motivate and liberate the humanity from Modern Jahiliyah or the Secular New World Order of Dajjal.
The realization is growing that Islam is, in fact, the only solution to the evil remains of Colonialism, Neo- Colonialism, Zionism and Imperialism and the only answer to liberate the humanity from Modern Jahiliyah or the Secular New World Order of Dajjal.
The unity of the Ummah is a necessity not only for the Muslim people but also for the entire humanity. Although Islam, as a message and a model, was completed 1400 years ago, the main task of bringing all mankind into its fold has not yet materialized. Islamic unity is a major step towards achievement of the universal brotherhood of mankind. A peaceful world based on human dignity, equality and justice can only can be established if the Muslim Ummah forcefully play their global role and guide humanity. Thus, the unity of Islamic Ummah is the chief architect for reviving the ‘Divine Civilization’ in human history.
I pray to Allah (S.W.T.) to join our hearts and unite Muslim Ummah to revive the ‘Divine Islamic Civilization’ in human history. Ameen