The US proposal details for the talks on the JCPA

The US proposal details for the talks on the JCPA

Political: One day before the start of the new round of talks, on December 27, Reuters reported on the idea of new temporary agreement dimensions with Iran. This plan was referred to as Stop and Reverse.

The US proposal details for the talks on the JCPA

The US proposal details for the talks on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA).

According to Hamshahrionline, in an article published in November 2021, the Crisis Group recommends a new Idea. In this recommendation, Europe will propose Tehran to stop some of its most sensitive proliferation activities in the form of an interim agreement. The items such as uranium enrichment above 3%. Suspend 67% of advanced centrifuge work or uranium metal production in exchange for limited relief from oil sales sanctions or access to frozen assets. The Crisis Group calls the plan a Negative JCPA.

The draft interim agreement pursues four goals:

1- Purchasing time for the United States to complete the process of repaying sanctions and strengthening its re-impact on the Iranian economy.

2- Whipping off the US of its negative past, without paying the slightest cost, and putting the US at the same level as Iran in the negotiations

3- Fostering the phenomenon of Negotiation Socialization and conditioning the country’s economy. One of the characteristics and functions of any temporary agreement with the Western parties is the conditioning of society and the tying of economic reforms to the discussion of negotiations and agreement. The experience of the Geneva agreement proves this proposition.

4- The domination of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s strict inspection system over the nuclear program will reproduce.

Rigid obstacles to the progress of the country’s nuclear program, while Iran is increasingly feeling the need for nuclear power in its energy supply basket, will also be recreated.

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