Does Hollywood Airbrush Jews ? Imagine a movie based on the true story of a reporter who invented his feature stories but passed them off as true. Imagine he scammed a half-dozen magazines that took themselves very seriously, like The New Republic, The New Yorker and Rolling Stone. …
Read More »Looming Health Crisis Of America
America’s War for Reality
America’s War for Reality Exclusive: The United States has been on a three-decade binge of unreality, imbibing delusions that began with Ronald Reagan and have continued through the Tea Party. The challenge now is for rational Americans to show they have the toughness and tenacity to fight for the real …
ZIONISM UNMASKED This article was written as one in a series with other authors under the title ZIONISM UNMASKED. I will be tweeting the contributions of others in due course.Most Jews of the world (and probably many Gentiles) believe that Zionism is the return of Jews to the land promised …
Read More »House of Horrors And Violence
Since the Newtown massacre, visions of unfathomable crazy mass killers and armed strangers in the night have colonized the American mind. Proposed laws have been drawn up that would keep potential mass murderers from getting their hands on assault weapons and high-capacity clips, or that would stop hardened criminals from …
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