The Saudi godparent of Zionsim

Crescent International, January, 2015
The Saudis not “Sunnis”; they are the political conjugal of Uncle Sam in Washington and cousin Benjamin in Tel Aviv.
The Saudis are spreading hate propaganda to advance the imperialist and Zionist agenda.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is unadulterated malevolence. Those Saudi human figures who hide themselves behind Islamic robes are an incarnation of the Zionist and imperialist spirit. This is not a personal diatribe or a journalistic harangue. The past and present events bear witness to this assertion.
Where do we begin our enumeration of Saudi crimes and misdemeanors? How do we unveil political Saudi promiscuity with its deep penetration of Zionism and imperialism? In what manner are we allowed to shed light on the fact that the Saudi money moguls are financing sectarian wars and fueling factional fighting within the house of Islam?

For starters, the takfiri literature originating from the Wahhabi sectarian pecking order is distributed around the world by the Saudi diplomatic oligarchy beginning in a big way with the oil boom of the last century. Coupled with the selective admission (“tazkiyah”) of numerous Muslim students from around the world into Wahhabi university curricula it is paying off now with sectarian civil strife in all corners of the Muslim world: Boko Haram, al-Shabab, and al-Qaeda in the Maghrib among others, in Africa; to the Taliban, al-Qaeda central, and ISIS among others in Asia. Generations of unsuspecting Muslims, from far and near, who were desperate for an Islamic education, have been seeded with the self-destructive ideas of Ibn Taymiyah and Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab for the Zionist and imperialist objectives of upheavals and carnage within the worldwide community of Islam.
On one level, this has resulted in the convening of local, regional, and international conferences and consultations of political, theological, or academic nature to discuss this takfiri-Wahhabi phenomenon. Last summer, there was a conference in Turkey; last month there were two conferences in Iran, followed by one in Egypt, accompanied by a couple in Lebanon and Syria. It is more than likely there will be a string of seminars and assemblies trying to understand and undo this murderous outbreak of “Muslims killing Muslims” in other countries and capitals. May we suggest at this point that an assembly of qualified and acclaimed Islamic scholars call an open meeting in Makkah where the Wahhabi establishmentarian clergymen should be summoned to answer to their teachings that, in effect, denounce Sufis, Shi‘is, madhhabi Muslims, and generally speaking all “other”non-Wahhabi Muslims as kafirs! But Makkah is under occupation; therefore, such an assembly of the most learned and experienced Islamic scholars is forbidden from being convened there, as per Saudi law. Let us be clear: Saudi law is not“Shari‘ah law” from the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Where does it say in the Qur’an and the Sunnah that the ‘ulama of Islam are not allowed to “put their minds together” in Makkah and discuss in a free and brotherly manner the misunderstandings and misbehavior of certain Muslims?
So, if Muslims can’t have their own homegrown conference in Makkah to come to terms with takfir, sectarianism, factionalism, and civil wars because of Saudi officialdom, then the Zionists and imperialists will continue to thrust their “divide and conquer” — or should we say “divide and occupy” — policies through their ever-receptive and reactive Saudi agent-of-political-intercourse.
Needless to say that the combinational combustion of grinding poverty, psychological dislocation, social discrimination, and political exclusion will remain the recruiting paraphernalia for the Zionist, imperialist, Wahhabi bait.
On another level, the Saudi Anglo-Wahhabi nexus is trying its best to lure the Muslims and non-Muslims of the world to believe that Shi‘is are the problem. The dictator class in Arabia is ever faithful to its White Anglo Saxon Protestant creators. A half century ago when there was a serious attempt at unifying the Arabs (with all its flaws and faults) the Saudi regime was thwarting that effort by raising its false banner of Islam, siding with the “Shi‘i” Shah of Iran against the “Sunni”president of Egypt. Now that there is a serious attempt at joining and coalescing the Muslims (with all its good will and discretion) the Saudi regime true to its spoiler nature, is trying to thwart this effort by, again, raising its false banner of (Wahhabi) Islam, siding with the pro-Zionist president of Egypt against the anti-Zionist Imam in Iran.
Saudi spite and spleen is secreted sporadically by some of its spokespersons. Recently, the Russian deputy foreign minister, Mikhail Bogdanov, disclosed the following: the ex-Saudi head of intelligence, Bandar ibn Sultan, said to him while in Moscow, “We [the Saudis] want to destroy Bashaar regime in Syria; even if that means destroying Syria itself.” Bogdanov asked Bandar, “How were your relations with Hafiz al-Asad?”Bandar answered without hesitation, “Excellent. He was a wise man.” Then Bogdanov replied, “So, the problem is not in the ‘Alawi regime; it is with president Bashar al-Asad himself!”
On yet another level, the Wahhabi/Salafi lobby is quite influential in Egypt and even in the famous and grand al-Azhar University. A few months ago an Egyptian Azhari scholar, Ahmad Karimah visited the Islamic Republic of Iran on what may be called a fact-finding mission. He met with influential Islamic scholars and presented them with pointed questions:
• what is the percentage of Sunnis in Iran, and what are their rights and their complaints?
• how would you (Iranians) convince us that you are not involved in efforts to turn Sunnis into Shi‘is?
• is it true that you use foul language against the Sahabah and the mothers of the mu’mineen?
He even asked to see “Mushaf Fatimah,” which he heard that the Shi‘is use as an alternative to or in conjunction with the Quran!
Dr. Karimah was surprised to listen to open-minded and evenhanded answers to his questions and queries. To his surprise, he was astonished to hear from his Shi‘i hosts their request for scholars from the Azhar University to teach the Sunnis in Iran their Hanafi, Maliki, and Shafi‘i fiqh. He even discovered that some Sunni fiqhi schools in Iran are financially supported by the highest office in the Republic. Upon his return to Egypt, the formidable Wahhabi lobby had him suspended from his academic position in al-Azhar University.
It took Dr. Karimah a few weeks to muster the courage and come out and say what was on his mind. He said that American diktat and Zionist plots are the barriers thwarting a rapprochement between Sunnis and Shi‘is. He said that the conflict has turned from an Arab-Israeli conflict into a Sunni-Shi‘i conflict. He also said that retrograde Wahhabis and anarchic cliques who have cartelized Islam and kill in its name desire no contiguity of Muslims. They live off intra-Islamic quarrels and killings.
For those who say that the current hemorrhage in the global Islamic sphere is due to a Sunni-Saudi vs. Iranian-Shi‘i conflict, we say to them you are incorrect and improper. This is a false equation. The Saudis are not “Sunnis”; they are the political conjugal of Uncle Sam in Washington and cousin Benjamin in Tel Aviv. Rituals do not a Sunni or a Shi‘i make.
There is a hadith from our dearly beloved Prophet (pbuh) that says, “The Final Hour shall not arrive until the‘Ruwaybidah’ converses about Allah’s din.” The Companions asked, “What is this ‘Ruwaybidah’ O Messenger of Allah?”He replied, “A gullible man discoursing on affairs pertaining to civic society.” What better describes Arabian morons implementing “Muslims kill Muslims” policies as they hide behind a holier-than-thou veneer of literalism (Wahhabism), protected by a colossal and classified mushrik military presence in Arabia, and buy the conscience and sell the chatter of “rijal for riyal”?!
Pull quotes:
Generations of unsuspecting Muslims, from far and near, who were desperate for an Islamic education, have been seeded with the self-destructive ideas of Ibn Taymiyah and Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab for the Zionist and imperialist objectives of upheavals and carnage within the worldwide community of Islam.
For those who say that the current hemorrhage in the global Islamic sphere is due to a Sunni-Saudi vs. Iranian-Shi‘i conflict, we say to them you are incorrect and improper. This is a false equation. The Saudis are not “Sunnis”; they are the political conjugal of Uncle Sam in Washington and cousin Benjamin in Tel Aviv.
Crescent International is a publication of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT).

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