The Leading Sunni Ulama refuting the extreme, fanatic Wahhabi doctrines

The Third Chapter: Pursuing His Path
Hasan Ibn Farhan Maleki, in the third chapter of his book states:‘Unfortunately the students and the followers of the Sheikh followed his path of ex-communication, and decreed many Arab and non-Arab tribes, many followers of the Islamic creeds, and a group of famous Muslim scholars, as infidels. 37
They decreed the following:
1) Stating blatantly that all the people of Mecca and Medina are infidels (who at that time had not embraced the creed of Wahhabism). 38
2) Whoever has accepted the call of Mohammad Ibn Abdulwahhab but still believes that his father passed away as a Muslim, is an infidel! He must be forced to repent. Whoever refuses to repent, must be beheaded! His wealth will be confiscated by the Islamic government’s state treasury! If he has performed Hajj (pilgrimage) prior to this he must repeat his Hajj, since it was before accepting Wahhabism and he was then still a polytheist, 39
3) The entire Ottoman Empire was infidel, and whoever did not consider that government as infidel was an infidel. 40
4) The Ash’aries were infidels as they were unaware of the meaning of the two testimonies;41 the Mu’tazelies were also infidels. 42
5) The withholder of alms (compulsory purifying tax) was an infidel. 43
6) Those who employed non-Muslims in their offices and homes, those who neglected many religious obligations and performed many of the religious prohibitions, knew nothing of the two testimonies except for its pronunciation, were all infidels and apostates! 44
Hasan Ibn Farhan after mentioning the twenty seven errors that the students of the Sheikh and his followers had made in ex-communicating the Muslims, continues to say: “After all this overindulgence in the matter of ex-communication whose like you wouldn’t find anywhere, a group of the Wahhabi scholars pointed their aggressive ex-communicative attacks towards Sayid Qutb, Mawduodi, Ikhwan ul-Muslimeen and Hizb ul-Tahrir. It is true that they were afflicted by immoderation in the political field, but their immoderation did not by any means reach the immoderation of Wahhabis in all aspects, be it political, theological, jurisprudential, cultural or social; fairness is indeed lacking here.” 45
He then adds: “Thinking about the previous statements, is there anything left of the so called ‘holy struggle’ programme (and the attack against Muslims) that the Wahhabis have forgotten to mention?” 46
And at the end of this discussion he points out that after Mohammad Ibn Abdulwahhab the surge of ex-communication overtook the Wahhabis themselves, where by some ex-communicated others and captured their women! He then mentions several of these incidents with reference to the book Al-Dorar ul-Sonniyah.47
He ends this chapter on a hopeful note and states: ‘The son of the founder of the Wahhabi creed, Abdullah Ibn Mohammad, moved to Egypt after the collapse of “Darieyah” (a town in the Hejaz), and was transferred from that closed fanatical environment to a more open environment where he attained some new awareness, resorted to the school of moderation, denied the decree of ex-communicating different groups of Muslims due to religious innovations that his father believed in, and declared that no one could be ex-communicated unless he or she denied one of the necessities of religion or acted upon a deed which according to Muslim consensus is a cause for ex-communication. 48 49
The Fourth Chapter: The Muslim Viewpoint
In the fourth chapter he speaks of the opponents of the Sheikh who ex-communicated him (Sheikh) and all the Wahhabis. He then goes on to justify their case and states: these kinds of ex-communications are of no value, they must only be admitted as their fallacy (especially regarding their ex-communications).
In this chapter, he names twenty two people among the Sunni scholars most of whom were from Najd and Mecca, and some of the scholars of Damascus, Iraq, Tunis and Morocco, who all stood against the Sheikh, and some even wrote books denying the sayings of Mohammad ibn Abdulwahhab. 50 By doing so, he shows that most of his opposition rose from his own region or were his own relatives!
The Most Important Allegations Against Wahhabi Leaders!
Ibn Farhan summarizes the main criticism levelled against the Sheikh by the prominent Sunni scholars, in four main points:
• Ex-communication of Muslims
• Claiming prophet hood (indirectly not specifically)
• Believing in assimilation in God and in Him being an object,
• Denying the miraculous deeds of the Saints and great ones of religion
He then says: ‘The main allegation is the first one which nobody can deny.’
Thereafter, he quotes from the famous author of the book “Da’wa al-munawe’in” (دعوی المناوئين),Sheikh Ahmed Zaini Dahlan, that: “The Wahhabis regard no one as monotheist, except he who follows every single word of their sayings!” 51
He quotes another famous scholar, Zahawi, who said if somebody asked him what the Wahhabi creed was and what its objective was, he would say in reply to both questions: “Ruling all Muslims in the world as infidels! This short answer is sufficient for these kinds of questions.”
Hasan Ibn Farhan tries to acquit Sheikh of the other three accusations. However, the first accusation which he has accepted is not at all a minor accusation, considering the fact that the holy Quran strictly prohibits accusing other Muslims of infidelity including those who only pretend to be Muslims:
“Do not say to someone who offers you peace ‘you are not a believer’ so as to attain the worldly life’s enjoyable accessories [and to take possession of his property].”52
Considering the explicitness of this Holy Verse, is there any room left for ex-communicating Muslims?!
The Almighty states in another place:
“Should anyone kill a believer intentionally, his requital shall be hell to remain in it [forever]; Allah shall be wrathful at him and curse him and He shall prepare for him a great punishment.”53
This verse sends a shiver down the spine of any true believer; intimidated by the fire of hell, and it being an eternal punishment combined with Divine wrath and vengeance, is a description that has not been mentioned for any of the great sins – except for homicide.
Describing the Divine punishment as eternal – in view of the point that this great punishment is specifically for dis-believers – shows that the killers of Muslims will definitely die faithless, and their eternal stay in hell is certain.
Now think of the status of those who murdered, on baseless excuses, the believers who established prayer and fasted and performed all the Islamic rituals, then captured their women and plundered their belongings. Not one person, but hundreds or even thousands of people including men, women, infants, old and young were devastated. And they call it the religion of Islam and the Mohammadi Tawheed and consider themselves to be the rescuers! “We seek refuge in Allah.” Whereas they are the referent of this Holy Verse:
“And Satan has made their deeds seem decorous to them thus he has barred them from the way [of Allah], so they are not guided.” 54
Fortunately, many of the followers of this creed have recently noticed their mistake and now regard the ex-communication of Muslims as a great sin, even if they are according to them, the people of innovation. Hopefully, this will cleanse Islam of aggression and terror.
At the end – for a hopeful ending – we will go over a very important declaration which was recently written and published by a group of scholars, jurists and traditionists of Saudi Arabia: This declaration was published in numerous newspapers, but we quote it from the book “معجم طبقات المتکلمين” (The glossary of the rankings of theologians).
1. – The beauty.
2. –مفاهيم يجب أن تصحّح” “.
3. –مفاهيم يجب أن تصحّح” “: “Concepts that Need to be Rectified” pages 29 & 30 (with slight summarization).
4. – Isthmus period between death and resurrection.
5. –مفاهيم يجب أن تصحّح” “: “Concepts that Need to be Rectified” page 37.
6. –مفاهيم يجب أن تصحّح” “: “Concepts that Need to be Rectified” page 68.
7. –المجمع الفقهی رابطة العالم الاسلامی.
8. – صحّة مفاهيم کان الناس قد هاموا فيها وزائلها لبس و ابهام.
بحث دقيق لا يقوم له خبط و خلط و تدليس و ابهام
أبدی به العلوی المالکی لنا ما لم تنله من الحذاق أفهام
9. –مفاهيم يجب أن تصحّح” “: “Concepts that Need to be Rectified” page 55.
10. –سباب المسلم فسوق و قتاله کفر
11. –مفاهيم يجب أن تصحّح” “: “Concepts that Need to be Rectified” page 181.
12. – Summaries from مفاهيم يجب أن تصحّح” “: “Concepts that need to be Rectified” pages 194-242.
13. – Summaries from the third part of the book مفاهيم يجب أن تصحّح” “: “Concepts that need to be Rectified” pages 243-318.
14. – يَدخُلونَ فـــي دينِ اللهِ أَفواجَاً.
15. – غلاة.
16. – هلکَ فيَّ رجلان: مُحِبٌّ غالٍ و مُبغِضٌ قالٍ – Nahjul-Balaghah, short saying 117.
17. – غلاة.
18. – داعية و ليس نبياً.
19. – تکفير.
20. – غلاة وهابي.
21. – کشف الشبهات.
22. – کتاب التوحيد.
23. – الدررالسنية.
24. – داعية و ليس نبياًpage 28.
25. – داعية و ليس نبياًpage 13.
26. – “A Missionary not a Prophet!” pages 28 and 29.
27. – “A Missionary not a Prophet!” page 33 (with summations).
28. – “A Missionary not a Prophet!” page 14.
29. – “A l-Dorar ul-Sonniyah” Volume 10, page 51.
30. – “A l-Dorar ul-Sonniyah” Volume 10, page 369.
31. – “A Missionary not a Prophet!” page 86.
32. – “A l-Dorar ul-Sonniyah” Volume 10, page 369.
33. – He asked Sa’d Ibn Abi Waqqas, ‘How come (in spite of my command) you don’t curse Ali (’as)? Sa’d answered: ‘Because of three sentences that I heard of the Holy Prophet (S) regarding the magnificence of Ali (‘as). (He then mentions the three sentences) mentioned in ‘Sahih Muslim’ in the section on ‘The Virtues of the Companions’, in the chapter on ‘The virtues of Ali ibn Abi-Talib’, as the third tradition. For more information on cursing and damning Imam Ali (‘as) by Mo’awiyah refer to: تاريخ طبریvolume 4, pages 52 and 188….
34. – “A Missionary not a Prophet!” page 86.
35. – “A l-Dorar ul-Sonniyah” Volume 10, page 113.
36. – “A missionary not a prophet!” page 86.
37. – In other words they frequently decreed to the infidelity of others, and dragged down all Muslims under the blade of infidelity.
38. – “A l-Dorar ul-Sonniyah” Volume 9, page 285.
39. – “A l-Dorar ul-Sonniyah” Volume 10, pages 138, 143.
40. – “A l-Dorar ul-Sonniyah” Volume 10, page 429.
41. – “A l-Dorar ul-Sonniyah” Volume 1, page 364.
42. – “A l-Dorar ul-Sonniyah” Volume 1, page 357.
43. – “A l-Dorar ul-Sonniyah” Volume 10, page 177.
44. – “A l-Dorar ul-Sonniyah” Volume 15, page 486.
45. – “A Missionary not a Prophet!” page 117.
46. – “A Missionary not a Prophet!” page 117.
47. – “A Missionary not a Prophet!” page 123 onwards.
48. – “Al-Dorar ul-Sonniyah”, Volume 10 page 244.
49. – “A missionary not a prophet!” page 125.
50. – “A missionary not a prophet!” page 127-133.
51. – “Da’wa al-munawe’in” page 166.
52. –Surah AL-Nisa 4:94.
53. – Surah AL-Nisa 4:93.
54. – Surah AL-Naml 27:24.

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